The deck cadet has a lot of duties and responsibilities on board. The main tasks include duties on the bridge, whether the vessel is in port or at sea. The other part consists of responsibilities on the main deck of the ship. Proper training and exposure to tasks onboard will enable futu...
A seaman is a skilled crew member on a ship, experienced in various maritime duties. A deck cadet is a trainee officer, learning navigational and ship management skills.
DEPARTMENTOFTHENAVY NAVALAIRSYSTEMSCOMMAND RADMWILLIAMA.MOFFETTBUILDING 47123BUSEROAD,BLDG2272 PATUXENTRIVER,MARYLAND20670‐1547 15December2010 LETTEROFPROMULGATION 1.TheNavalAirTrainingandOperatingProceduresStandardization(NATOPS) Programisapositiveapproachtowardimprovingcombatreadinessandachievinga ...
The deck crew of a ship is the staff of officers that keeps a ship running smoothly. On most ships, this consists of the captain...