yugioh-card.com/fr Revolution Cyber Dragon Deck de Structure (French) yugioh-card.com/de Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck (German) yugioh-card.com/it Rivoluzione Cyber Drago Structure Deck (Italian) yugioh-card.com/lat-am/pt Revolução do Dragão Cibernético Deck Estrutural (Portuguese...
Site d'infos et actualité sur les cartes Yu-Gi-Oh : carte Yugioh (achat, vente, echange, booster, deck...), manga Yugioh, dessin animé yugioh, jeux videos yugioh, téléchargements, roms Yugioh, fanwor
Yugioh-Card database ID 2202000 (ja) 13304000 (en) 33304000 (fr) 23304000 (de) 43304000 (it) 53304000 (es)Related sets Release dates Japan March 23, 2006 North America March 23, 2006 France, Germany, Italy, and Spain March 23, 2006 ...
yugioh-card.com/uk Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck yugioh-card.com/oc Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck yugioh-card.com/fr Portail du Monde Ténébreux Deck de Structure (French) yugioh-card.com/de Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck (German) yugioh-card.com/it Cancelli del So...