由于Pre-pruning较为简单就不做具体介绍,所以介绍一下Cost complexity pruning(通过此方法选择某个node设为leaf node,此方法来自wikipedia),当然还有许多其他的方法就不一一介绍了,读者可自行查阅。 三、What is Random Forest algorithm? 关于Random Froest algorithm(随机森林)算法的介绍,很多文章的介绍用例都大同小异,...
1. Wikipedia上的Pruning (decision trees)和Random Froest algorithm。 2. Dataaspirant上的《HOW THE RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM WORKS IN MACHINE LEARNING》 3. medium上的《How Random Forest Algorithm Works in Machine Learning》 同时推荐读者去阅读《The Random Forest Algorithm》,因为这篇文章讲解了在scikit-le...
在机器学习中,同样可以通过数据集训练出如图1-1所示的决策树模型,这种算法被称为决策树学习算法(Decision Tree Learning)1。 二、模型介绍 模型 决策树学习算法(Decision Tree Learning),首先肯定是一个树状结构,由内部结点与叶子结点组成,内部结点表示一个维度(特征),叶子结点表示一个分类。结点与结点之间通...
Pruning decision tree may occur in the process of creating decision tree or after that, the former is called pre-pruning. Every node on decision tree has a corresponding sample set. By analyzing the quantity of sample in the sample set or the purity of it, algorithm PDTBS, viz. pre-...
③Decision Tree Algorithm 根据上面的公式,基本算法: base algorithm 按照决策树执行流程,可以分成四个部分: 首先学习设定划分不同分支的标准和条件是什么;接着将整体数据集D根据分支个数C和条件,划为不同分支下的子集Dc;然后对每个分支下的Dc进行训练,得到相应的机器学习模型Gc;最后将所有分支下的Gc合并到一起,组...
3. Patel N, Upadhyay S. Study of various decision tree pruning methods with their empirical comparison in WEKA.Int J Comp Appl.60(12):20–25. [Google Scholar] 4. Berry MJA, Linoff G.Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management.New York: John Wiley & ...
To generate such a tree, the construction and pruning operations are integrated in order to find a “stable” subtree that can be simplified no further. Once this subtree has been found, tree building ceases and a single rule is read off. The tree-building algorithm is summarized in Figure ...
③Decision Tree Algorithm 根据上面的公式,基本算法: base algorithm 按照决策树执行流程,可以分成四个部分: 首先学习设定划分不同分支的标准和条件是什么;接着将整体数据集D根据分支个数C和条件,划为不同分支下的子集Dc;然后对每个分支下的Dc进行训练,得到相应的机器学习模型Gc;最后将所有分支下的Gc合并到一起,组...
③Decision Tree Algorithm 根据上面的公式,基本算法: base algorithm 按照决策树执行流程,可以分成四个部分: 首先学习设定划分不同分支的标准和条件是什么;接着将整体数据集D根据分支个数C和条件,划为不同分支下的子集Dc;然后对每个分支下的Dc进行训练,得到相应的机器学习模型Gc;最后将所有分支下的Gc合并到一起,组...