Decision Sent to Reviewers 决定派审稿人
Decision Sent to Reviewers 审稿意见 重点词汇释义 Decision决定; 决议; 果断; 判决; 靠判定击败 Reviewers评论家( reviewer的名词复数 )
重新找审稿人吧 发自小木虫Android客户端
●Sent Back to Author(退回给作者):如果论文未通过期刊的格式审查,通常是因为没有按照期刊的作者指...
3. Reviewers invited/assigned:邀请到了合适数量的审稿人。 4. Under review/With review:审稿人正在审稿中,这个过程会比较长,通常时间为1-2个月左右。如果被邀请审稿人拒绝审稿,编辑就会重新邀请别的审稿人。 5. Required review completed/Decision in process/With editor Required review completed:返回了足够给...
我再来回答一下。刚投出去,目前处于Editor decision started阶段。等接收了我也来回答一下。
IF some minor revisions are made. The paper will not be sent out again to the reviewers - ...
Next, the article enters the "With editor" stage, which involves technical review and the identification of potential reviewers. If the author does not specify any editorial preferences when submitting the manu, the article will first be sent to the editor-in-chief, who will then assign it to...
12月4日: to review - to review 12月5日:under evaluation - from all reviewers (2024年)2月24日:to revision - to revision 等了三个多月,编辑意见终于下来了!这次那个给中评的人也赞成接收了。而那个给差评的人始终都不回,编辑决定在小改的程度接受。 感觉胜利就在眼前了。 3月7日: from revision ...