School-based management (SBM) is a potentially valuable reform mechanism in urban school districts in which each school serves a unique mix of students drawn from a heterogeneous population. Because SBM usually relies on leadership councils that function as the decision-making bodies for individual ...
School-based management (SBM) is a potentially valuable reform mechanism in urban school districts in which each school serves a unique mix of students drawn from a heterogeneous population. Because SBM usually relies on leadership councils that function as the decision-making bodies for individual s...
School-based management has increasingly become the agreed-upon model around the world for the operation of schools, particularly those in large public education systems. A critical element of the model is devolving enhanced levels of decision-making from the centre (eg the head office) to the sc...
Teacher participation in decision making: the case of SMI schools in Hong Kong Investigates characteristics of participative decision making in schools implementing the School Management Initiative by using a three-dimensional model a... MT Chan,CY Chor,YC Cheng - 《Chinese University Education Journal...
世界银行在各国推行的SBM(School based management)项目的评估报告,推进以学校为中心的基层教育改革,通过政府放权、增进家长和社区参与等方式改善基层教育环境,提高学生成绩,增强基层教育参与者(中央和地方政府、校长、老师、家长、学生和社区或村落代表、NGOs)的责任观念。其项目评估的思路、框架以及操作过程和方法值得借...
The rhetoric around decentralisation suggests school-based management improves education outcomes. Existing reviews on school-based decision-making have tended to focus on proximal outcomes and offer very little information about why school-based decision-making has positive or negative effects in different...
decision-making is particularly important to managers. As Exhibit 2-5 shows, it’s part of all four managerial functions. In fact, that’s why we say that decision-making is the essence of management. And that’s why managers—when they plan, organize, lead, and control—are called decisi...
5. A meaning structure of school-based shared decision-making as perceived by high school principals. [D] . Sisemore, George K. 1994 机译:高中校长认为基于学校的共享决策的意义结构。 6. Governance organization accountability and sustainability of a region-wide school-based deworming program in...
StigJohannessen, ...EirikAlbrechtsen, inClimate Risk Management, 2024 2.4Decision-making In risk governance, decision-making is a complex process that involves weighing the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action. A key part of this process is to make informed decisions using th...
Both academic and policy documents indicate that poor school management and decision-making at local level are major challenges in creating equitable access to good-quality education in Ethiopia. In principle, educational provision can b... W. Yadete - 《Young Lives Department of International Develo...