Decision making in professional practice British Journal of Nursing Vol 5, No 10Paul A MooreMoore P ( 1996 ) Decision-making in professional practice . British Journal of Nursing 5 , 635 – 640 .
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It was conducted in two phases. During Phase 1, the decision-making tools were created using video-taped encounters between nursing students (n = 11) and standardized patients (actors) who displayed a range of core characteristics and behavioral features associated with ASD. During Phase 2,...
Due to the need for informatics competencies in the field of nursing, the present study was conducted to design a psychometric instrument to determine the qualification of informatics competencies of employed nurses in educational care centers. The quest
This paper describes processes used to validate the Scope of Nursing Practice Decision-Making Framework developed and implemented by the nurse regulatory authority in Queensland, Australia. Various components of the Framework are also outlined. The validity and usefulness of the Framework were tested thro...
Healthcare Industry 4.0 refers to intelligent operation processes in the medical industry. With the development of information technology, large-scale group decision making (GDM), which allows a larger number of decision makers (DMs) from different places or sectors to participate in decision making,...
how nurses' clinical uncertainty has been conceptualized in the nursing literature.Although existing research has advanced the body of knowledge regarding the concept of uncertainty in decision-making, this has been largely from physicians' viewpoints and from patients' perspectives (patients' uncertainty)...
Robert C.Stillman, inSeminars in Oncology Nursing, 2018 Clinical Decision Support Systems Clinical decision support systems(CDSS) are key to minimizing human error and alerting clinicians to correct treatment decisions. CDSSs are information systems used to improve clinical decision-making and patient ou...
In ED, where the decision-making is described as medico-centric, advocacyipso factonecessitates a challenge to doctor decision-making. The findings indicate that ED nurses experience with advocacy varied depending on the democratic qualities and communication skills of the particular doctor who had car...
Operations research (OR) has been at the core of decision making since World War II, and today, business interactions on different platforms have changed b