The use of automation and slavish rule following can be an alluring siren call. They promise beautiful images virtually at a touch of a button. Because of this, we no longer have to worry about anything. It’s instant gratification in a world of photography that has a short attention span...
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Decision-making processes carried out when executing tasks of data management take place in different entities with different frequencies. These processes are found not only in enterprises and organizations, but also in various structures and entities as well as in everyday life. Decisions are taken ...
Decision making is critical in our daily lives and for society in general and is finding evermore practical applications in information and communication technologies. Herein, we demonstrate experimentally that single photons can be used to make decisions in uncertain, dynamically changing environments. Us...
Decision-making competence is likely to be critical for making decisions emerging in later life, such as those pertaining to spending down wealth, health insurance, and end-of-life planning. This chapter reviews research on age-related differences in decision-making competence. We begin by defining...
Our aim is to propose a model-free approach to decision making that is based on the direct use of images. More, precisely, a content of each image is used – without further processing – in order to...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59105-6_37Ewaryst Rafajowicz...
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Let's join Mindtools to have an ad free experience! Join Now! Uncertainty makes it hard to know which way to turn. RTimages / © iStockphoto According to statistician George Chacko, decision making is the "commitment of resources today for results tomorrow." As such, decisions are ...
capabilities differ from that of other players. These results open the way to the study of decision-making responsibilities as an important factor to identify if and how key decision-makers in sports (and other domains) may differ from their equally experienced peers....
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