These instruments, however, are usually based on the cognitive criteria for capacity assessment as defined by Appelbaum and Grisso and thus ill adapted to address the life-situation of children. The aim of this paper is to revisit and critically reflect upon the current definitions of decision-...
Competency and Common Law: Why and How Decision-Making Capacity Criteria Should Be Drawn from the Capacity-Determination Process Determining competence to request physician-assisted should be no more difficult than determining competence to refuse life-prolonging treatment. In both c... Baron,H Charles...
Exclusion criteria included articles that were not written in English, published prior to 2010, did not reach a final publication, were not relevant to the topic of youth decision-making capacity in clinical scenarios, and articles focused on other aspects of gender-affirming care (social transition...
Competent decision-making also dictates that the decision maker has the capacity to make autonomous decisions; is capable of finding, utilizing, and incorporating new information into the decision; can judge the value of advice from other sources; can implement the decision; obtains and utilizes ...
The advantage of such a representation is its capacity to analyze imprecise data such as the behavior of the RSS, the load or the BER,…It is generally combined to other decision methods to determine the best choice. In [14] (Fig. 11), Horrich et al. proposed a fuzzy multi-criteria ...
4. Assign a Weight to Each Decision Criteria Item (Optional) The weight for each criterion is helpful in determining the importance of each criterion to the various alternatives. It’s not necessary to add weight to the rating, but it can be very helpful in making a decision. A weight sca...
riadecisionmaking.Itperformsaweightedaggregationofcriterion valuesusingacapacityfunctionassigningaweighttoanycoalition ofcriteria,thusenablingpositiveand/ornegativeinteractionsamong criteriaandcoveringanimportantrangeofpossibledecisionbehav- iors.However,thespecificationofthecapacityinvolvesmanypa- rameterswhichraiseschal...
Multi-criteria performance analysis for decision making in project management This study is focused on decision support in the context of product and service development projects. Decision support requires the capacity to characteriz... G Marques,D Gourc,M Lauras - 《International Journal of Project...
consider issues such as: cost, performance characteristics (i.e., CPU speed, memory capacity, RAM size, etc.), availability of software, maintenance, expendability, etc. These may be some of the decision criteria for this problem. In the above problem we are interested in determining the bes...
So, several of the people involved in this controversy have conflicts. In their letter to the journal, Abrams et al. write, “The signatories write in a personal capacity and declare no competing interests with respect to tobacco or e-cigarette industries.” I assume this implies that Abrams ...