So… lots of different books about different aspects of decision making. In fact, so many that we don't have time to read them all. But what about you? Have you read any decision books? What did you think of it/them? Would you recommend one? Do you have a favorite? If so, we...
The Finnish decision- making process to recommend a new vaccine: From vaccine research to vaccination policy. J Public Health, 16:275-280.Nohynek H. The Finnish decision-making process to recommend a new vaccine:Nohynek H (2008) The decision-making process to recommend a new vaccine. From ...
Making new decisions requires retrieving memories, but when this occurs is unclear. The authors show that people typically access memories before a choice unless there are many related memories to consider, in which case we wait until choice time. ...
How to Use Mental Models for Smart Decision Making Best Decision Making Books All Decision Making Articles What is Decision Making? Let’s define decision making. Decision making is just what it sounds like: the action or process of making decisions. Sometimes we make logical decisions, but ther...
Decision 6: Data security In preparation for your broad deployment, you may opt to use security labels to classify the types of teams in your environment. For the purposes of this experiment, we recommend that you follow the guidance in Plan for Governance in Teams and ensure that there's ...
I recently bought a Specialized e-bike and it’s great. Every time I ride it I like it more. However, every time I get an email from Specialized, I get more irritated and less likely to recommend them to someone. Why? Well, let’s consider this week’s email newsletter. It’s clea...
Making a decision is never easy. You spend a lot of time weighing costs and benefits (获益).But you have to pick one.Now, a group of Canadian scientists say that a tiny area of our brains, called the lateral habenula (外侧缰核), may be to ―blame (责备) for the difficulty of deci...
Introduction to Intelligent Decisioning System Intelligent Decisioning is the discipline that augments Data Science with theory from social science and decision theory. It is an autonomous approach for making a knowledgeable and concise decision about the systems. Also, it helps the system to process ...
Gaming Urge Desire thinking Decision-making Conflicting situations 1. Introduction Videogames are developed to serve a variety of needs of their users, such as the need to escape from or discover another fantastic reality, to relax after a long day, to socialize online or improve one’s own ha...
Test Your Decision Making Against Reality Reality is the ultimate sounding board. Drucker writes: “Finally,feedbackhas to be built into the decision to provide a continual testing, against actual events, of the expectations that underlie the decision.” ...