Identified five subgroups among 199 female and 133 male college students based on their decision-making styles, career decision-making self-efficacy, and career development task accomplishment. Results provide support for the positive relationship between a systematic (rather than spontaneous) decision styl...
While parents may be tempted to sway their teen’scollegechoice, experts say it’s best to leave the main decision-making to students. “Your child has likely made a number of excellent decisions to get to this point. Let them take the lead here as well,” says Chris Lanser, IvyW...
This study was conducted to corroborate findings that females invoke a decision rule that is significantly different from that of their male counterparts when making ethical value judgements. In addition, the study examines whether the same decision rule is used by men and women for all types of ...
4 Things Not to Overlook When Choosing a College: There are many factors to consider in making your final college decision, but these are four of the more underrated things students shouldn't forget about. 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a College: Choosing a college...
Suitable for management students studying business analytics and decision-making at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA levels. A preview can be accessed via the following link: 展开 ...
(2003). Cross-cultural differences in decision-making styles: A study of college students in five countries. Social Behavior and Personality, 31(1), 35-48.Jung Soo Yi,Soonae Park.Cross-cultural differences in decision making styles A study of college students in five counsties. Social ...
Decision-making competence is likely to be critical for making decisions emerging in later life, such as those pertaining to spending down wealth, health insurance, and end-of-life planning. This chapter reviews research on age-related differences in decision-making competence. We begin by defining...
Decision-making in everyday moral conflict situations: Development and validation of a new measure PLoS One, 14 (4) (2019), 10.1371/journal.pone.0214747 Google Scholar Soper & Miller, 1983 W.B. Soper, M.J. Miller Junk-time junkies: An emerging addiction among students. The School Counselor...
International organisations have called to increase young people’s involvement in healthcare and health policy development. We currently lack effective methods for facilitating meaningful engagement by young people in health-related decision-making. The
It is particularly useful where there are a series of decisions to be made and/or several outcomes arising at each stage of the decision-making process. For example, we may be deciding whether to expand our business or not. The decision may be dependent on more than one...