Adecision maker- not risk averse , but able to take a sensibly evaluated trading stance. 具备决策能力,在合理的评估与分析基础上勇于冒险. 互联网 Unless you're calling for a charity, don't call to ask for thedecision maker's help.
IntroduceindecisionmakerabilityZ,tryingtoexplainthepotentialimpactonproductionfrom farmers'decisionmakingability. 引入决策者能力特征,力图借此解释能力的差异对生产收益可能产生的影响。 4. Thepartnerwasa decision-maker in thecompanyanda good persontohave onherside. ...
释义 决策者 决策主体(decision-maker的复数) 实用场景例句 全部 Many decision - makers function without a knowledge of economic decision - making. 许多决策者行使职责时缺少经济决策知识. 辞典例句 Designers ( or, more broadly, design decision makers ) are the primary consumers of usability study finding...
chief operating decision maker, i.e. executive directors, for the purposes of resource allocation [...] 向主要營運決策者(即 執行董事)呈報以進行資源分配及業績評估之分類溢利並不包括中央行政 費用、董事酬金、攤佔聯營公司業績、出售一間聯營公司之收益、...
ice maker 制冰机 market maker 准备买卖未上市股票的经纪人 相似单词 decision maker n. 决策人 maker n. 制造者,上帝,发期票的人 decision n.[C] 1.(作出的)决定,抉择;决心;选定 2.决议;结论 3.(拳击中的)判定(指按得分或各裁判员意见判定胜负) 4.裁决,判决 n.[U] 1.(亦为decisiveness) ...
Decision Maker 的定义和含义公司中有权做出决定的人。 例子: Let's find out who the decision maker is for IT purchasing in that company.根据国家/地区的单词用法: "Decision Maker" 世界上许多国家都使用商务英语。 本网站上的某些单词和短语在任何使用商务英语的地方都能理解,但某些单词和短语仅在某些国家...
沪江词库精选decisionmaker是什么意思、英语单词推荐 英音 [di'siʒɚnmeikə(r)] ; 美音 [di'siʒɚnmeikə(r)] ; 名词(政府、企业等处的)决策者 相似单词 decisionmaker n. (政府、企业等处的)决策者 最新单词 colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢 colostration的中文意思 初乳病 ...
decipherator,decipherer,deciphering,decipherment,decision,decision maker,decision making,decision point,decision table,decisionbox, 英汉-汉英词典 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. head,chief,top dog 用户正在搜索 autotronic,autotroph,autotrophic,autotrophism,autotrophy,autotropism,autotruck,autotuberculin,autotub...
variants or less commonly decision maker plural decision-makers also decision makers : someone who is known or primarily responsible for making decisions a good decision-maker one of the company's key/top decision makers However, this does not permit corrections personnel or a warden to ...