by a higher authority whose consideration [...] 即使研訊委員會已尋求法律意見, 我覺得這類極為重要的決定,仍然應該由較高層次的㆟士作出,因為他作出裁決時 不會受到委員會的特定工作影響,而其決定亦會被視為是公正無私的。
First, courts must look to the legislation passed by Congress that gave the decision-making authority to the particular agency and determine if the administrator acted within the limits of that authority. Second, courts must determine if a clear error of judgment has occurred. Without clear error...
self-direction risks placing near full responsibility for decision making on the person seeking help—almost as if they have been abandoned by the provider. In between these extremes lies the “sweet spot” of shared decision making—a point that balances authority and duty with consumer autonomy ...
by the public authority in question. 各国应确保任何自然人或法人,凡认为自己所提索取环境信息的请求部分 或全部地被不当驳回、未得到充分答复或被忽视、或出现其他任何未按照相关法 律处理的情况,都能够得到法庭或其他独立公正的机构的审查,就公共主管部门的此类决定、作...
alleviant,palliative,alleviator- remedy that alleviates pain without curing catholicon,cure-all,nostrum,panacea- hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists preventative,preventive,prophylactic- remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doct...
expert to make decisions. Designation by expert is mostly ineffective. • Designated authority makes the decision for the group, either after heating discussion from group members or without their consultation. • Minority rule can take the form of a forceful ...
Capability-Based Access control (CapBAC) (Hernández-Ramos et al., 2013): In the CapBAC model, the permission to access an object is based on a token of authority. The key concept of this approach is the attribution of a token, a ticket, or a key that gives permission to access an ...
While decision-making styles offer valuable insights, they are not without challenges: 1. Style Bias: Individuals may exhibit bias toward their own decision-making style and be resistant to alternative approaches. 2. Context Dependency: The most effective decision-making style can vary depending on ...
While the consultation is still going on, without prejudice to the final outcome and Governmentdecision,we aredrawingupdetailed terms and conditions on CZSA’s use of the ex-SDSS premises. 雖然諮詢工作仍在進行,在不影響最後結果和政府決定的情況下,我們現正就正生會...
However, the prior studies also support this argument that any regulation or rule imposed by the regulatory authority on the industry has a significant positive impact on the industry, moving it towards the practice that the regulatory authority was going to impose as compared to no regulatory ...