Army Awaits JROC Decision On Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter.(Joint Requirements Oversight Council)(Brief Article)Roosevelt, Ann
(US Army Manpower and Personnel Integration Best Practices)[59], nuclear power (HFE Program Review Model by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission)[60], commercial aviation (Human Factors Design Standard by the Federal Aviation Commission)[61]and medical devices (Pre-Market Approval of Medical Devices ...
Army Targets Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year Decision On ACS Milestone B.(Aerial Common Sensor )(Brief Article)Cortes, Lorenzo
Combat ID coming for individual soldiers. (EC Monitor).(General Dynamics Decision Systems contract with U.S. Army)(Brief Article)Sherman, Kenneth B
US Army upgrading Land Warrior. (Americas Report).(awards $59.9-million contract to General Dynamics Decision Systems )(Brief Article)Rivers, Brendan P
Future Internet All Article TypesArticleReviewCommunicationEditorialAbstractBook ReviewBrief CommunicationBrief ReportCase ReportClinicopathological ChallengeCommentCommentaryConcept PaperConference ReportCorrectionCreativeData DescriptorDiscussionEntryEssayExpression of ConcernExtended AbstractField GuideGiants in UrologyGuidelines...
A brief discussion of other remaining research questions is presented in Section 9. The paper concludes with Section 10. 2. Related Work Our work is broadly related to the concepts of decision-driven resource management, decision-centric information monitoring and decision support systems that have ...
In accordance with the Army Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), the operator should select the course of action that minimizes risk to the force and to mission accomplishment [53]. While the UAS is able to autonomously calculate potential routes, for threat data the UAS requires access to...
In accordance with the Army Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), the operator should select the course of action that minimizes risk to the force and to mission accomplishment [53]. While the UAS is able to autonomously calculate potential routes, for threat data the UAS requires access to...
Possibilities for the Application of Agro-Industrial Wastes in Cementitious Materials: A Brief Review of the Brazilian Perspective. Clean. Mater. 2022, 3, 100040. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zareei, S.A.; Ameri, F.; Dorostkar, F.; Ahmadi, M. Rice Husk Ash as a Partial Replacement of...