English German Dictionary English French Dictionary English Russian Dictionary English Norwegian Dictionary English Swedish Dictionary English Italian Dictionary English Portuguese Dictionary English Spanish Dictionary Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju...
In Spain, the plural command form for “decir” is “decid”. In other Spanish-speaking countries, they use “digan” to make a command to more than one person. In either case, they can be combined with the pronouns to make longer words in much the same way that “di” can. Examples...
a我有长的黑的卷的头发 I have the length black volume hair[translate] aI am so sorry that I can not understand Spanish well ,Can you please say it in English ? ¿Yo es tan apesadumbrado que no puedo entender español bien, puede usted decirlo por favor en inglés?[translate]...
[translate] ano,no,just express your idea in spanish,I will use google translator to see what you mean. no, no, apenas expresa su idea en español, yo utilizará el traductor del google para considerar lo que usted significa.[translate]...
Spanish- speaking immigrants typically switch only at major discourse boundaries such as sentences and paragraphs, usually in response to shifting domains of discourse. Calques from English are rare and English lexical items are usually inserted in non-assimilated fashion. English-speaking students of ...
decir Spanish Slovak Dictionary - decirin Slovak: 1. Tom to nemusí povedať Mary ak nechce. 2.
decir Spanish Greek Dictionary - decirin Greek: 1. λένε ΜελένεΦαρσάντ. ΜελένεΣάλι.
decir Spanish Japanese Dictionary - decirin Japanese: 1. Japanese word "decir"(いって) occurs in sets: Vocabulario 2