Cf. Dirichlet character – and also use of “letter” for abstract units of speech in another thread. It is not just “Europe before a word ‘phoneme’ was coined”, it is also speakers of some languages outside of Europe. In Russian wesaynabla. drasvisays November 28, 2021 at 7:56 ...
Main Part of Speech (形) adjectiveRelated Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Easily deciphered. Synonyms: clear, readableNew Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full ...
The company's executives disagreed. When presenting the controversy to the board, they said they expected medical use of ketamine to increase, so it should allow the post. That led,in its response, to the company brushing off some of the board's suggestions, which could directly impact ketami...
These possibilities, aided by a boom in ketamine-focused medical startups and spas promoting the prescription drug as part of "holistic healing" or other wellness purposes, are fueling consumer interest, news coverage, and social media attention. But there are indications of a dark side. Accordin...
Concerning language, a transitory slowness in spontaneous speech, ranging from a complete mutism to a less severe speech impairment, which resolved in a few weeks, was observed when the activation in the SMA of the dominant hemisphere for language on presurgical fMRI was resected [92]. Lang et...