More Examples Showing how to Write Decimals in Words. Examples: 25.578 is read twenty-five and five hundred seventy-eight thousandths. 7000.14 is read seven thousand and fourteen hundredths. 0.002 is read two thousandths. Notice that for the example right above, there is no need to say zero ...
Step 5: Combine all the words. ⟹three hundred forty-two and fifty-four one-hudredths Example 2: Writing decimals in word form: Trailing zeroes after the decimal point Write the following decimal in word form: 72.640 Step 1: Read the number to the left of the decimal point and write...
From the place value table above, we can see that the hundredth of a decimal is placed at the second digit to the right of the decimal point. Therefore, this is the position of the hundredth in the place value system. Let us understand the hundredth position of some numbers as an examp...
Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. The real numbers, for example, include every point on the number line, even the strange ones like π that have endless, non-repeating decimal representations. Quanta Magazine, 20 Fe...
The last decimal digit place value in 0.036 is thousandths. Put them together. So, 0.036 in words would be “thirty-six thousandths.” If there is a whole number portion of the decimal number, we use “and,”“decimal,” or “point” to signify the decimal point. For example, we say...
Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 9 Superb Owl Words 15 Words That Used to Mean Something Different Games & Quizzes ...
DecimalNametenths hundredthsthousandths Example0.70.05 0.016 第二页,共10页。Whataremixeddecimals?Mixeddecimalsarenumberswithbothwholenumbers anddecimals Thenameofawholenumberisdeterminedbythenumberofplacestotheleftofthedecimalpoint Inthenumber128.765,1isinthehundredsplace,2isinthetensplace,8isintheones...
In the sciences, when accuracy is important, decimals may be rewritten as an equivalent decimal to show accuracy level. For example, if accuracy to the hundredths place is important, then all decimals are written to the hundredths place value. The hundredth definition is the place value represe...
In English, parts of a whole are stated as “XX parts of YY,” with XX being the parts of the whole and YY being the whole. An example of this is saying "two parts of three," which also means two-thirds.However, the phrase construction is the opposite in Chinese. Parts of a ...
For example, the number 0.46 is made up of 4 tenths and 6 hundredths.This can also be written as $0.46 = 0.4 + 0.06$.In other words, it means, $0.46 = 4/10 + 6/100$.ConclusionThe face value of a digit in a number is the value of the digit itself, which does not depend on...