例如:InnoDB的默认innodb_page_size是16KB,那么行大小在8000字节左右。但是对于InnoDB页面大小在64KB时,最大行大小在16000字节左右。对于包含LongBLOB和LONGTEXT类型的列最大行大小不应该超过4GB,对于BLOB和TEXT类型的列,最大行大小不应该超过4GB。 MySQL强制一行中所有列的数据大小不能超过65535个字节,尽管InnoDB支持的最...
in 关键字 in 关键字在子查询中主要用在列子查询中代替人为手罗列出来的多个“字面值”数据。 举例: select * from 表名 where 地区 in ('上海', '北京', ...); select * from 表名 where 地区 in (select 地区列表 from 地图表数据); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. any关键字 any 可以与(=、>、>=、<...
编辑:这被确认为原则2 中的一个bug /** */ * @return decimalpublic function getSomeValue(){ $this->someV 浏览3提问于2011-04-12得票数 5 回答已采纳 4回答 从mysqldb查询中获取原始十进制值 、、 我正在使用MySQLdb包在python中执行mysql查询。select * from table""")for row in c:其中,row[4]...
type_conversion_statusItem_decimal::save_in_field_inner(Field*field, boolno_conversions ) overrideprotectedvirtual Helper function which does all of the work for save_in_field(Field*, bool), except some error checking common to all subclasses, which is performed by save_in_field() itself. ...
Member Function Documentation ◆clone() ◆cmp() int Field_new_decimal::cmp(constuchar*a, constuchar*b )const finalvirtual ImplementsField. ◆compatible_field_size() ◆create_from_item() Field* Field_new_decimal::create_from_item(constItem*item) ...
MySQL函数-奇怪的除法结果? 、、、 我在MySQL中看到了一些与用户创建的函数相关的奇怪行为。我会尽量简化这件事。现在,我创建了一个函数来执行这个除法,并调用该函数:mysql> create function myd(var decimal) returns decimallanguage sql deterministic -> declare res decimal; -> set res 浏览7提问于2013-11-...
Category:MySQL Server: OptimizerSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:8.0,5.6.48, 5.7.31, 8.0.21OS:Any Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:decimal,FUNCTION,GROUP BY [20 Jul 2020 4:41] andy zhang Description:When select list has function of decimal type, it's possible it is overflowed due to ...
mysql>create table f2(f1float(15,2)); QueryOK,0rows affected(0.01sec) mysql>insertintof2 values(123456789.39); QueryOK,1row affected(0.00sec) mysql>select*fromf2; +---+ |f1| +---+ |123456792.00| +---+ 1rowinset(0.00sec) 最后...
Here is how to create a function in MySQL to convert Decimal Degrees to Degree-Minute-Second: DELIMITER $ CREATE FUNCTION `f_convertDDtoDMS`( dd DECIMAL(10,7), is_longitude BOOL) RETURNS VARCHAR(14) CHARSET utf8 BEGIN /* Description: MySQL function to convert decimal degrees to Degree-Min...
MySQL Version: 5.0.89-community I'm sure it's something simple, but I sure don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong. If anyone has a suggestion I'd appreciate it. Thanks! Kim Subject Written By Posted decimal value dropped in decimal calculations ...