Define decibel. decibel synonyms, decibel pronunciation, decibel translation, English dictionary definition of decibel. decibel range of human hearing in decibels n. Abbr. dB A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually betwe
Decibel Meter (Pro) will tell all the answers to you. Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter (Pro) is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how...
- Decibel exposure time guidelines tell you how loud is too loud. - Decide whether or not you want your device to sleep while metering. - Adjustable sample rate. - Calibrate the measurements from -10dB to 10dB. - Sound effects that can be turned on or off. ...
Do you know how loud is too loud? Do you know NIHL(Noise induced hearing loss)?What's the decibel ex | 分贝仪专业版(Decibel Meter Plus Pro)怎么样,是否值得买 |
Define Decibel scale. Decibel scale synonyms, Decibel scale pronunciation, Decibel scale translation, English dictionary definition of Decibel scale. decibel range of human hearing in decibels n. Abbr. dB A unit used to express relative difference in pow
Decibel Meter (Pro) will tell all the answers to you. Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter (Pro) is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Want to know just how loud this club is? Just h...
120 dB= Human pain threshold, loud rock concert. 110 decibel = Serious hearing damage if sustained for more than 1 hour. 100 dB = Serious hearing damage if sustained for more than 8 hours. 90 decibel = Likely hearing damage if sustained for more than 8 hours. ...
Decibel Meter (Pro) will tell all the answers to you. Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter (Pro) is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how...
Decibel Meter (Pro) will tell all the answers to you. Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter (Pro) is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how...
Decibel Meter (Pro) will tell all the answers to you. Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter (Pro) is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how...