本文提出的框架名字叫BFLC(Blockchain-based Federated Learning framework with Committee consensus ) BFLC 传统的中心化的联邦学习框架是由中心服务器向向客户端节点下发当前的全局模型,客户端节点收到后进行本地模型训练,完成后,向服务器上传模型更新,服务器聚合形成新的全局模型。迭代上述过程,直到全局模型精度或通...
decentralized federated learning algorithm(DeceFL),which does not require a central client and relies only on local information transmission between clients and their neighbors,representing a fully decentralized learning framework.It has been further proven that every client reaches the global minimum with...
However, this distributed machine learning training method is prone to attacks from Byzantine clients, which interfere with the training of the global model by modifying the model or uploading the false gradient. In this paper, we propose a novel serverless federated learning framework Committee ...
To address these issues, we propose a Decentralized Federated Mutual Learning (DFML) framework that is serverless, supports nonrestrictive heterogeneous models, and avoids reliance on public data. DFML effectively handles model and data heterogeneity through mutual learning, which distills knowledge ...
今天准备看一篇文章:《BrainTorrent: A Peer-to-Peer Environment for Decentralized Federated Learning》。看这篇文章的目的是提出了一种不需要依赖中心节点的新型联邦学习框架,这直接就吸引到了我,毕竟我就是做decentralized的,又准备搞FL,所以好好钻研一下。这篇文章的框架中,是随机选取一个节点作为临时服务器,然后...
A blockchain-based decentralized federated learning framework with committee consensus. IEEE Netw. 2021;35(1):234-241. doi:10.1109/MNET.011.2000263 Google ScholarCrossref 22. Bdair T, Navab N, Albarqouni S. Semi-supervised federated peer learning for skin lesion ...
Make landscape flatter in differentially private federated learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 24552–24562, 2023. 1 [25] Zhenheng Tang, Shaohuai Shi, Bo Li, and Xiaowen Chu. ...
For each ML node, there is a corresponding SL node in the Swarm Learning framework, which performs the Swarm training(每一个ML节点对应一个SL节点,ML本地训练,SL点对点训练) SWOP(Swarm Operator) Node: managing Swarm Learning operations manage hundreds of Swarm Learning nodes(对SL节点的动态启停) ...
(论文1) Decentralized EI: A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for Hierarchical Federated Learning 天才程序YUAN 3 人赞同了该文章 摘要 为了实现人工智能 (AI) 的大规模和高效部署,人工智能和边缘计算的融合催生了边缘智能,它利用终端设备和边缘服务器的计算和通信能力来处理距离数据更近的数据被生产。边缘智能...
除了这些外部和内部的隐私攻击外,传统的联邦学习在数据更倾斜和non-IID数据时也会遇到异质性问题[3]。由于这种异质性,ML模型的质量将会下降。考虑到这些,我提出了一个新的框架“Decentralized Federated Learning”,该框架将通过训练模型的良好收敛和准确性来解决强大的动机、数据隐私和安全中毒。