网络释义 1. 经济合作与开发组织 DE:Germany_英文缩写 ... DEB 数据扩充块DECD经济合作与开发组织DECOR 数字电子连续测距 ...|基于72个网页 2. 代理执行创意总监(Deputy Executive Creative Director) DECD(Deputy Executive Creative Director) 代理执行创意总监(这个称呼很变态了)CP (Creative...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
Break-even Price Estimates for Residential PV Applications in DECD Countries with an Analysis of Prospective Cost Reductions Experiences with Public Sector Clean Technology Programs in the DECD: Implications for Clean Technology Policy in Rapidly Industrial... ...
DECD意思,DECD的意思,DECD是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于DECD的解释和缩写,经济合作与开发组织的英文缩写是什么 热门英文缩写词 RC(中继中心) RC(继电器式计算机) RC(遥控,远程控制) RC(研究中心) RC(电阻-电容) RC(电阻-电容器,阻容) ...
DECD ( result_date : address source_date : address duration : address of packed decimal instruction_template : address ) Description: The date specified by operand 2 is decremented by the date duration specified by operand 3. The resulting date is placed in operand 1. Operand 4 defines the ...
(1)如图1,求证:DECD=DFBE (2)D为BC中点如图2,连接EF. ①求证:ED平分∠BEF;②若四边形AEDF为菱形,求∠BAC的度数及 的值. 试题答案 在线课程 【答案】(1)证明:∵△ABC中,AB=AC, ∴∠B=∠C. ∵∠B+∠BDE+∠DEB=180°,∠BDE+∠EDF+∠FDC=180°,∠EDF=∠B, ∴∠FDC=∠DEB, ∴△BDE∽...
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Comparar cuentas de CD ¿Sabía usted? Una cuentaCDlayernormalmente gana un interés más alto que una cuenta de ahorros tradicional Comparar opciones de Certificados de depósito (CD) Cuenta de Certificado de depósito (CD) destacado
∵DE=CD,∴AB∥DE,AB=DE,∴四边形ABDE是平行四边形,∴AF=DF.(2)解:在BC上截取BN=AB=1,连接AN,∵∠ABC=60°,∴△ANB是等边三角形,∴AN=1=BN,∠ANB=∠BAN=60°,∵BC=2AB=2,∴CN=1=AN,∴∠ACN=∠CAN= 1 2×60°=30°,∴∠BAC=90°,由勾股定理得:AC= 22-12= 3,∵四边形ABCD是平行...