The Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP), funded by the United States Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, aims to inject one million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO_2) into the Mount Simon Sandstone. The injection of CO_2 started in November 2011 and will extend over ...
47261276DDec PubWrks 4726Public WorksPublic Works 47271277DDec Water DeptPublic Works: Water DepartmentUtilities 47291279DDec PubWrks 4729Public WorksPublic Works 4730127aDDec PubWrks 4730Public WorksPublic Works 4733127dDAbbott EMS DecAbbott EMS Decatur: Dispatch (DB CIRDC)EMS Dispatch...
The City of Decatur, Illinois recently had the task of choosing a solution when three water main breaks had caused temporary road elevation due to flooding, subsequent depression and warping of the original brick pavement on historic Macon Street near the Millikin University campus. In a historic ...
Keywords: Groundwater , Carbon storage, Multivariate evaluation, Principal Component Analysis, Illinois Basin, Water quality * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-217-333-2341; fax: +1-217-333-2830. E-mail address: Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article un...
The principlesdeveloped here can potentially be used as a rapid indicator of water and wastewater quality. Thispaper focuses on the results of fluorescence staining optimization tests that have been performed.Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Illinois Urbana IL 618...
Iranmanesh A, Locke RA, Wimmer BT (2014) Multivariate statistical evaluation of groundwater compliance data from the Illinois Basin—Decatur Project. Energy Procedia 63:3182–3194Iranmanesh A, Ii RAL, Wimmer BT (2014) Multivariate statistical evaluation of groundwater compliance data from the ...
An overview of the Illinois Basin - Decatur project. Greenh. Gas Sci. Technol. 4, 571-579,, R. J., An overview of the Illinois Basin - Decatur Project. Greenhouse Gases- Science and Technology 2014, 4, (5), 571-579....
ADM buys water treatment plant. (Companies).(in Decatur, Illinois)(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included)Walsh, Kerri
CO2 Injection in a Saline Formation: Pre-Injection Reservoir Modeling and Uncertainty Study for Illinois Basin-Decatur Project. GHGT-11. Kyoto, Japan, November 18-22, 2012.Senel, O.; Chugunov, N. CO2 injection in a saline formation: Pre- injection reservoir modeling and uncertainty analysis ...
GroundwaterCarbon storageMultivariate evaluationPrincipal Component AnalysisIllinois BasinWater qualityj Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to evaluate groundwater quality data acquired in the pre-injection and injection periods for the Illinois Basin-Decatur Project (IBDP), a large-scale carbon ...