Due to an issue, we have removed the Festival of Football Western Europe Bundle Challenge and the Germany (Adidas) Decal from the game. Any Rocket League players who earned the cross-game Germany (Adidas) Decal will receiv...
Decals are a vehicle customization in Rocket League. Like other cosmetics in Rocket League, these also have different rarities. You can unlock Decals by playing Rocket League and receiving progression drops or leveling up your Rocket Pass. You can also unlock Decals through Challenges, ...
Think Your a Pro At Your Rocket League Items? Take It To The Test Today! The Ultimate Rocket League Quiz Introducing the 5th addition to our rocket league quizzes, this time taking it to the more expensive side ;) Take the test through the famous mystery decals in rocket league such as...
Due to an issue, we have removed the Festival of Football Western Europe Bundle Challenge and the Germany (Adidas) Decal from the game. Any Rocket League players who earned the cross-game Germany (Adidas) Decal will receive a replacement reward...