From Bigelow, Family Tea Blenders Since 1945 comes this decaffeinated premium black tea in individually wrapped tea bags so there is no mess. Bigelow's Premium Decaffeinated Black Tea has a smooth and flavorful taste. For three generations Bigelow has so
Steep Pour 1 cup water over a tea bag in cup. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove bag. Enjoy Sweeten if desired and enjoy. Try It Iced Pour 2 cups boiling water over 4 tea bags in a heat-resistant pitcher. Prepare as above, then add 2 cups cold water. Serve over ice. Makes one ...
If you missed it,check out my post Caffeine & Kombucha Explainedfor more great info about the health benefits of tea and why caffeine from tea is proecssed differently by the body than other caffeine. Kombucha is a healthful delicious beverage that contains, on average,about 1/3 the amount ...