MARC JACOBS前阵子被曝光签下超模Adriana Lima代言的重磅新香近日终于露出真容,这款名为“Decadence”的香水外观采用翡翠绿色的翻盖链条包型设计,十足精美别致。据外媒透露,维密当家天使Adriana Lima在广告中几乎全裸出镜,以传递该款颓废、堕落中流露性感的主题。 从2001年开创LV香水部门并推出首款女香MARC JACOBS PERF...
Marc Jacobs,★ 奢迷妖娆性感小手袋!Marc Jacobs Decadence EDP 浓香堕落香水 现在特价仅34.95欧!从2001年开创LV香水部门并推出首款女香MARC JACOBS PERFUME以来,这位设计师的每款核心香水都具有鲜…
Marc Jacobs Divine Decadence Eau de Parfum American designerMarc Jacobsreleased a new flanker toDecadencecalledDivine Decadence, a champagne-soaked scent composition contained in an emerald-colored handbag, now covered with an even more patterned faux python skin to convey the notion that more decadenc...
Nice Package: Marc Jacobs DecadenceStatistics are presented on the Marc Jacobs Decadence perfume bottle including the number of different bag styles considered for the bottle's design, yards of faux python produced, and miles of gold chai...