论文:Learning an Animatable Detailed 3D Face Model from In-The-Wild Images Github:https://github.com/YadiraF/DECA 论文提出了基于单张彩色图片进行3d人脸重建的方法DECA(Detailed Expression Capture and Animation) ,在 N... 查看原文 能产生粒子效果的CAEmitterLayer ; /* Multiplies the cell-defined ...
DECA reconstructs a 3D head model with detailed facial geometry from a single input image. The resulting 3D head model can be easily animated. Please refer to thearXiv paperfor more details. The main features: Reconstruction:produces head pose, shape, detailed face geometry, and lighting informa...
DECA reconstructs a 3D head model with detailed facial geometry from a single input image. The resulting 3D head model can be easily animated. Please refer to thearXiv paperfor more details. The main features: Reconstruction:produces head pose, shape, detailed face geometry, and lighting informa...
Ingenta articles.adsabs.harvard.edu (全网免费下载) adsabs.harvard.edu ResearchGate 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献The emission of narrow-band Jovian kilometric radiation A model based on the nonlinear coupling of electrostatic plasma waves is proposed to explain the emission of the narrow-band Jovian kil...
For a model deca-alanine peptide the cavity (ideal hydrophobic) contribution to hydration favors the helix state in the coil-to-helix transition and the paired helix bundle in the assembly of two helices. The energetic contributions of attractive protein-solvent interactions are separated into a sho...
176 -- 2:47 App deca joins JAPAN TOUR 2022 in Osaka - 大雨 729 -- 5:01 App deca joins JAPAN TOUR 2022 in Osaka - 海浪 2.1万 9 6:49 App 【4K60FPS】亚当兰伯特《波西米亚狂想曲》4K修复 # 波西米亚狂想曲 # 皇后乐队 # 神级现场 956 4 11:13 App 2016 WESTON PARK MODEL SHOW上的F...
85 -- 3:27:41 App 【12.20】3D CHIBI MODEL + VSHOJO 🎅🏻(2) 3.6万 275 1:01:30 App 【30话全】【生肉】【饭岛宽骑】我与我喜欢的他,与你 59 -- 4:33:52 App 【04.10】 🥁 PLAYING ANIME SONGS ON TAIKO w DRUM HAND CAM 🥁 VSHOJO !discord !sec 71 -- 4:55:58 App 【01.2...
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These results confirm the model of cytolysin binding suggested by structural data. 展开 关键词: Membrane binding Cytolysis Epitope mapping Thiol-activated toxin Anti-hemolytic antibody DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(99)01297-1 被引量: 93 年份: 1999 ...
The measured lateral composition profiles, Γ(x), are well-described by a linear potential gradient model. However, because the two-component gradients are formed in a two-step process, in which a full monolayer of the first component is desorbed in a spatially dependent manner, there is a ...