Like last time, we fed our computers withtimeanddate’s Sun data for 2022and population data from theCenter for International Earth Science Information Networkat Columbia University. We then calculated population data for the day, the night, and the threetwilightphases for every minute of every d...
Tommy DeCarlo -Dancing In The Moonlight(Frontiers) Various Artists -Dark Side Of The Sacred Star(Peaceville) Wind Rose -Shadows Over LothadruinRe-Release (Napalm) Wind Rose -Wardens Of The West WindRe-Release (Napalm) Woods Of Desolation -The Falling Tide(Season Of Mist) December 16, 2022...
This causes drought in the Southwestern United States and rains in the Pacific Northwest. In 2022, La Niña exacerbated a megadrought in the Southwest United States, making it the worst in 1,200 years. Just look at th...
2022年5月确认的猴痘在非流行地区暴发显示出与以往输入性暴发不同的流行病学特征,最显著的是在男男性行为者(MSM)中观察到其增长和优势。 研究组使用了一个与经验性伴侣关系数据相契合的传播模型,以表明重尾性伴侣关系分布(少数个体拥有过多性伴侣)可以解释猴痘在M...