僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of debutante 廣告 debutante附近的字典條目 debtor debug debunk debut debutant debutante deca- decade decadence decadent decaffeinate 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能關於誰做的介紹和解釋在Face...
Origin of debutante1 1795–1805; < French; feminine of débutant debutant Discover More Example Sentences Men held these jobs too, but only the women spent their first week of employment being feted like debutantes, welcomed with bouquets of flowers and a formal dinner dance hosted by Watson. ...
The word “debutante” is of French origin. The original word is “debutante” and it means “female beginner." Pixabay Advertisement 6. Anyone Here Speak Austrian? Wait… Apart from the US, one place where debutantes have remained a tradition is Austria. Since debutantes were part of the...
1801年,指“首次公开演出的女性舞台演员”,源自法语 debutant 的女性形式,该词是 débuter 的现在分词,意为“进行第一次攻击”(在台球等运动中),源自 debut(参见 debut)。1817年开始用于指首次在社交场合亮相的年轻女性。 同样来自于:1801 相关词汇 debutante debut(n.) “首次公开或在社会上亮相”,1751年,来自...