If you go back to the File Explorer view (⇧⌘E(Windows, LinuxCtrl+Shift+E)), you'll see that VS Code has created a.vscodefolder and added thelaunch.jsonfile to your workspace. Note: You can debug a simple application even if you don't have a folder open in VS Code, but it...
UPDATE: the post was updated on 12th of February 2018. It described a method how to remotely debug .NET Core unit tests in Docker from VSCode with some tricks. Someday I spent lots of time porting some our framework onto .NET Core (from .NET 4.0). One of the task was to make ...
https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python/blob/master/src/client/unittests/common/debugLauncher.ts#L67-L75 Sorry, something went wrong. DonJayamanneadded this to the2019, week 14 - March Sprint 7milestoneMar 27, 2019 DonJayamanneassignedDonJayamanneandericsnowcurrentlyand unassignedDonJayamanneMar...
// .vscode/launch.json // Debug active spec.js file in vscode { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Debug Unit Tests", "runtimeExecutable": "npm", "runtimeArgs": [ "run-script", "test:debug", "${file}" ], "port"...
debugging-jest-tests:微软官方仓库中给出的 VScode 中launch.json的配置项教程,涵盖了debug 全部测试文件和debug 单个测试文件这两种场景,足够了 DebuggingTypeScriptJest Tests WithVisual StudioCode:文中给出针对 ts + jest 的launch.json的配置项,可以借鉴一下 ...
由于您的问题可能与I cannot build my VSCode extension project in VSCode after update to 1.76相同...
The advantage of having config here is that the tests will run/debugged as a part of the Editor itself (in this case it’s VSCode) and we don’t need to connect to any external application. #5)Once the debug configuration is created, you can now add breakpoints to the tests and exec...
https://github.com/stefaneidelloth/testDemoES6Jest 工作流仍然基于一个transpiler(babel),但这发生...
grep -q "^$insertion" "$file"; then sed -i.bak "/^$pattern/i\\ $insertion" "$file" fi kernprof -lv python/tests/system/test_pytracing.py # Remove the inserted `@profile` decorator. mv "$file.bak" "$file"... Wrote profile results to test_pytracing.py.lprof Timer unit: 1e-...