at Object.<anonymous> (/private/var/folders/89/rnlqv6wj1tvb241hfvgngp3r0000gn/T/vscode-js-debug-bootloader.js:1:63) Process exited with code 1 Thank you for your answer. I understand that Node.js v8 support expired a long time ago, but I have to continue using Node.js v8 for a ...
Debugging configurations are stored in alaunch.jsonfile located in your workspace's.vscodefolder. An introduction into the creation and use of debugging configuration files is in the generalDebuggingarticle. Below is a reference of commonlaunch.jsonattributes specific to the Node.js debugger. You can...
VS Code将尝试自动检测您的调试环境,如果失败,您将必须手动选择它: 以下是为Node.js调试生成的启动配置(launch configuration): 如果您返回到文件资源管理器视图(Ctrl+Shift+E),您将看到VS Code已创建一个.vscode文件夹并将launch.json文件添加到工作区(workspace)。 注意:即使您没有在VS Code中打开文件夹,也可以...
To debug in Visual Studio Code using SuiteCloud CLI for Node.js Create a JSON file in the .vscode folder with the following code: Copy { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Debug Jest Tests", "skipFiles": ["<node_internals...
Version: code-server: v3.4.1 VS Code: v1.45.1 OS Version: Ubuntu 18.0.4 Steps to Reproduce: start a node docker container on port 4080 running via ts-node node --inspect= --preserve-symlinks -r ts-node/register src/server.ts ...
In the usual front-end development, the front-end code can be easily debugged with breakpoints in the browser. If you want to debug the node back-end interface, how to achieve breakpoint debugging? Configuration vscode open the node project and click the debug button on the left ...
windows 系统的vscode debugging dockerfile的插件是什么 vscode运行插件,官网上有几个不同的VSCode版本,安装使用区别不大。下面因为多几个安装插件的步骤,所以篇幅略长,插件的安装根据个人需要进行选择安装文章目录下载地址一、软件下载二、软件安装三、插件安装1.中文
In the Output section, you can view what the debugger is doing. In this screenshot, you can see a checklist, including whether you have a specific Node.js, your Microsoft 365 account status, etc. So, where are these tasks and the checklist are defined? It is in.vscode/tasks.jso...
node.js debugging visual-studio-code pm2 pm2-logrotate 1 Source Link Full asked Jul 12, 2019 at 7:27 ABDUL JAMAL asked Jul 12, 2019 at 7:27 ABDUL JAMAL 452 7 12 Debugging With PM2 And Vscode Visual Studio code has some awesome debug functionality built in that makes it easy...
2. 配置中的 URL 一定是当前要调试的 tab 的 URL(例如:配置 URL 为`http://localhost:3000/`,在浏览器打开 `http://localhost:3000/` 时自动跳转到`http://localhost:3000/index.html`,然后在 VSCode 启动调试就会因为 URL 匹配不上就会报 \` 无法连接到运行中的进程 \` 的错误),这也是我把配置 ...