调试TypeScript 单元测试的关键是在 VSCode 中正确配置launch.json文件。 3.1 创建调试配置文件 打开VSCode,使用快捷键Ctrl + Shift + D切换到调试视图,点击 “create a launch.json file” 创建档案,选择 Node.js 环境,最后修改launch.json内容如下: {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"type":"node","...
"compilerOptions": { "target": "es2015", "module": "commonjs", "outDir": "out", "sourceMap": true, }, "include": [ "src/**/*" ] } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. tasks.json { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "type": "typescript", "tsconfig": "...
选择Tasks: Run Build Task,这是vscode将为我们执行整个项目的build和watch任务,在terminal中看到: 发现编译已经没有错误,那么这个时候终于可以进行vscode的debugger的配置了。 点击上图中高亮的那个图标(bug & run),在左侧边Run and Debug下面选择create a launch.json file这个,创建一个可以自定义的lauch.json文件:...
为了能让 vscode 源码调用我们下载的 typescript 源码,需要添加一些软链接。 vscode # 进入 vscode 源码根目录$ cd{VSCodeRoot}# 内置插件依赖的 typescript 目录改个名,不用这个目录了$ mv extensions/node_modules/typescript extensions/node_modules/_typescript# 软链到 typescript 源码根目录$ ln-s{TypeScr...
Open .vscode/launch.json and uncomment the debugServer configuration line. Hit F5 to start a debugging session. Now you can debug the testproject like specified above and set breakpoints inside your first VS Code instance to step through the adapter code. The extension is written in TypeScript ...
vscode.Disposable.from(...disposables); } 开发者ID:appTimesTV,项目名称:vscode-cpptools,代码行数:31,代码来源:extension.ts 示例2: activate ▲点赞 7▼ exportfunction activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { const loadedScriptsProvider =newLoadedScriptsProvider(); ...
Open .vscode/launch.json and uncomment the debugServer configuration line. Hit F5 to start a debugging session. Now you can debug the testproject like specified above and set breakpoints inside your first VS Code instance to step through the adapter code. The extension is written in TypeScript ...
使用vscode debug typescript 安装 node.js typescript 初始化 typescript 项目,生成配置文件 tsc tsconfig.json {"compilerOptions":{"module":"commonjs","target":"es5","noImplicitAny":false,"sourceMap":false}} 修改配置 {"compilerOptions":{"module":"commonjs","target":"es5","noImplicitAny":fals...
You can view the complete set of options in the vscode-js-debug options documentation.The following attributes are supported in launch configurations of type launch and attach:outFiles - array of glob patterns for locating generated JavaScript files. See section Source maps. resolveSourceMapLocations ...
开发者ID:Heresiarch88,项目名称:vscode-php-debug,代码行数:101,代码来源:adapter.ts 示例2: describe ▲点赞 1▼ describe('Accessor properties: The debugger', function() {letdc:DebugClient;constTESTDATA_PATH = path.join(__dirname,'../../testdata');constSOURCE_PATH = path.join(TESTDATA_P...