linkid=830387"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"type":"node","request":"launch","name":"Debug Typescript File","skipFiles":["<node_internals>/**"],"program":"${workspaceFolder}/index.ts","sourceMaps":true,"preLaunchTask":"npm: build",// "outFiles": [//"${workspaceFolder}/bui...
You don't need to create a tasks.json, I was just looking for more information that might help to figure out what's going on. Do you use nvm? superhuai commentedon Nov 11, 2020 superhuai on Nov 11, 2020 {"version":"2.0.0","tasks":[{"type":"npm","script":"dev:test","path...
{"@parcel/packager-ts":"^2.7.0","@parcel/transformer-typescript-types":"^2.7.0","@types/node":"^14.18.26","dotenv":"^16.0.1","mobx":"^5.15.7","parcel":"^2.7.0","typescript":"~4.8.2"},"browserslist":"> 0.5%, last 2 versions, not dead, IE 11","targets": {"main":...
Specify the location of the Node.js interpreter, the parameters to pass to it, and the path to the gulp package. Run npm Script: select this option to execute an npm script. In the NPM Script dialog that opens, specify the npm run/debug configuration settings. Compile TypeScript: select...
set DEBUG=* & node app.jsPowerShell (VS Code default)PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables.$env:DEBUG = "*,-not_this"Example:$env:DEBUG='app';node app.jsThen, run the program to be debugged as usual.npm script example:"windowsDebug": "@powershell -Command $...
vscode 源码中的内置插件,依赖的 TypeScript 默认位于{VSCodeRoot}/extensions/node_modules中。 为了对 TypeScript(tsserver)源码进行调试(固定 v3.7.3 版本,且用上 source map), 这里创建了一个软链接,让 vscode 直接依赖我们之前下载的 TypeScript 源码。
Until support for ES6 is added, even if you need to output ES5, you can update your tsconfig.json to target ES6 while developing so that the source maps are closer to the original TypeScript. If you need to output ES5, remember to set it back before building your code component for ...
If none of the suggestions helped, try to prefixts-nodewithnpx, e.g.npx ts-node <your-command>and ensure your globalts-nodeversion is up to date. shell npminstall-g ts-node@latest npx ts-node --version Thenpxcommand will check ifts-nodeis installed locally, and if it isn't it's...
TS Server Error Stack Server: semantic Error: Debug Failure. at Object.releaseDocumentWithKey (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\extensions\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsserver.js:117868:35) at Object.onReleaseOldSourceFile (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resou...
在JavaScript 项目中,可以使用捆绑程序(如 Webpack)和编译器(如 TypeScript 编译器(或 Babel)生成源映射,可以添加到项目中。 对于 TypeScript 编译器,还必须添加 tsconfig.json 文件并设置 sourceMap 编译器选项。 有关如何使用基本 Webpack 配置执行此操作的示例,请参阅 使用React创建Node.js 应用。备注...