The Visual Studio Code editor includes Node.js debugging support. Set breakpoints, step-in, inspect variables and more.
torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 如果程序正常结束,我们开始多卡程序的调试。 调试多卡程序 使用VS Code 调试需先配置~/.vscode/launch.json { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Attach", "type": "python", "request": "attach", "listen": { "port": 5678, } ...
launch是指把debug sessions附加到接下来直接启动的node调试程序(即跟随–inspect-brk=port),注意debug port得和–inspect-brk=port对应; attach是指把debug sessions附加到指定的正在运行的处于debug模式的node程序的对应端口上,如果是非debug模式的node程序,则需要提供processId。 5.Source Maps VS Code默认会开启source...
注意:Logpoints受VS Code内置的Node.js调试器支持,但也可以由其他调试扩展实现例如Python和Java扩展支持Logpoints Data inspection Source of this article :Debugging in Visual Studio Code python:Debugging configurations for Python apps in Visual Studio Code...
然后vscode就可以看到你想瞅瞅的数据了。。调试过程(单步什么的),对应的本地文件会显示数据变动在你的 总结 VS Code的Debug功能相当好用,若是想引导程序启动再打开chrome这种也可以实现,就是需要写的配置文件比较繁琐,很花时间; 除了天生支持node内置debug,以下的都需要借助插件才可以 C# Python Chrome C/C++ Go...
VSCode Version:1.23.0 OS Version:10.13.4 node Version: 10.0.0 nodemon Version : 1.17.4 Steps to Reproduce: when i use nodemon debug nodejs .when i edit code make node server auto restart .but when i start nodeserver about one minute later vscode will alert form tell me ...
node-debug-tutorial git:(master) ✗ node debug helloword-debug.js < debugger listening on port 5858 connecting... ok break in helloword-debug.js:1 1 var hello = 'hello'; 2 var world = 'nodejs'; 3 debug> help Commands: run (r), cont (c), next (n), step (s), out (o), ...
On the Run tab in Visual Studio Code, select Create a launch.json file and select the Node.js debugger. Visual Studio Code creates the .vscode/launch.json configuration file at the root of the workspace and opens the launch file for editing. By default, a launch configuration is created ...
These values match the items shown in the project's Search Paths node in Solution Explorer. While you can specify search paths in this dialog, it can be easier to use Solution Explorer, where you can browse folders and automatically convert paths to relative form. Script Arguments Define the ...
"${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js", "--runInBand" ], //"sourceMaps": true, "trace": true, "console": "integratedTerminal", "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen", "port": 9229 } ] } 到此,就可以在VSCode里debug jest了,选择你要debug的jest文件,右键选择debug jest即可。