"configurations": [ { "name": "Launch", "type": "node", "request": "launch", "program": "server.js", //这个配置成你要调试的文件 "stopOnEntry": false, "args": [], "cwd": ".", "runtimeExecutable": null, "runtimeArgs": [ "--nolazy" ], "env": { "NODE_ENV": "develo...
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=2 \ xx.py \ --args1 11 torchrun是一个用于启动 PyTorch 分布式训练任务的命令行工具 --nnodes=1指定了节点(Node)的数量,这里设置为 1;--nproc-per-node=2指定了每个节点上的进程(Process)数量,这里设置为 2。可以简单的理解为一台服务器,上面两张显卡可以用 ...
VS Code把调试配置信息保存在.vscode目录下的launch.json文件中(.vscode目录一般存在于项目的根目录下)。 要创建一个launch.json文件,在运行初始化面板中点击“创建一个launch.json”: VS Code会去尝试自动检测当前调试环境。如果它失败了,我们就需要自己手动选择: 选择Node.js后,VS Code会自动生成配置文件以及.vsco...
launch是指把debug sessions附加到接下来直接启动的node调试程序(即跟随–inspect-brk=port),注意debug port得和–inspect-brk=port对应; attach是指把debug sessions附加到指定的正在运行的处于debug模式的node程序的对应端口上,如果是非debug模式的node程序,则需要提供processId。 5.Source Maps VS Code默认会开启source...
然后vscode就可以看到你想瞅瞅的数据了。。调试过程(单步什么的),对应的本地文件会显示数据变动在你的 总结 VS Code的Debug功能相当好用,若是想引导程序启动再打开chrome这种也可以实现,就是需要写的配置文件比较繁琐,很花时间; 除了天生支持node内置debug,以下的都需要借助插件才可以 C# Python Chrome C/C++ Go...
One of the key features of Visual Studio Code is its great debugging support. VS Code’s built-in debugger helps accelerate your edit, compile, and debug loop. Debugger的下载 VS内部自带对Node.js runtime的debugger工具可以调试JavaScript,TypeScript以及任何其他被转译为 JavaScript 的语言。
注意:Logpoints受VS Code内置的Node.js调试器支持,但也可以由其他调试扩展实现例如Python和Java扩展支持Logpoints Data inspection Source of this article :Debugging in Visual Studio Code python:Debugging configurations for Python apps in Visual Studio Code...
In the certlm [Certificates - local computer] dialog, expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node, right-click Certificates, and select All Tasks > Import. Browse to and select the .cer file copied from the remote computer. Continue through the dialog prompts to complete the import pro...
To learn about VS Code's Node.js debugging support, take a look at: Node.js- Describes the Node.js debugger, which is included in VS Code. TypeScript- The Node.js debugger also supports TypeScript debugging. To see a tutorial on the basics of debugging, check out this video: ...
When running through Node.js, you can set a few environment variables that will change the behavior of the debug logging:NamePurpose DEBUG Enables/disables specific debugging namespaces. DEBUG_HIDE_DATE Hide date from debug output (non-TTY). DEBUG_COLORS Whether or not to use colors in the ...