1、需要安装.NET Framework 4.5及以上 与 powershell 5.1及以上 版本,建议先安装.net框架 ,再安装powershell。powershell 建议5.1及以上版本,最低也得3.0以上版本,曾经安装的版本低于5.1,在安装git(至于为何会需要安装git,是由于安装插件时,scoop 提示需要安装 git 才可安装 chrome 所使用的插件 ios-webkit-debug-...
Debug Task: I have developer-id ,so I can run iOS-App on Mac,not iPhone. When I run on Mac-mini, device chose (My Mac(Designed for iPad)), it is unbelievable slow, I wait about 10 minutes, it still stuck on launching, and not start. When I run on iPhone 11, it just cost 4...
Remote debugging the Microsoft Edge app on iOS devices isn't currently supported. The following guide is specifically focused on remote debugging Microsoft Edge on Android devices. If you have a macOS device, follow theBrightcove Debugging guideto remotely debug Microsoft Edge on an iOS device using...
I am trying to debug my iOS Extension (.NET) project on Mac. Having two projects: host app and the extension app. Both: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> …
iOS WebKit Debug Proxy works on Linux, MacOS & Windows. MacOS It's easiest to install withhomebrew: brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy Windows It's easiest to install withscoop: scoop bucket add extras scoop install ios-webkit-debug-proxy ...
Method 1: Debug using the Web Inspector feature on iPhones or iPads Debugging issues for mobile web pages can be difficult at times. However, starting from iOS 6, Apple provides a Web Inspector, which makes debugging web pages much easier on iPhones or iPads. Follow the steps below to use...
Open a Terminal (on a Mac) or a Command Prompt (on a Windows computer). Runnpm install -g cordova If you're planning on targeting iOS devices, Set up your machine by following instructions atiOS Platform Guide from Apache Cordova
Although Visual Studio provides excellentdebugging tools, there are times when you may want to quickly display a status message to the console. In the same way that iOS provides you withNSLog(), Windows also provides ways to display text on the console. ...
Usa PIX on Windows o Utilizzo GPU di Visual Studio per verificare le prestazioni del gioco a livello di CPU e GPU. Utilizzo GPU raccoglie dati in tempo reale ed è complementare ad Analisi dei frame, che viene eseguito sui frame acquisiti in modalità offline. Il report di Utilizzo GPU mo...