debt to equity ratio债务权益比率(Debt-to-Equity Ratio)是公司的总债务与股东权益之间的比例,用于衡量公司的财务杠杆、资本结构及债务成本影响。 债务股权比率的定义 债务股权比率,又称为债务权益比率,是财务分析中的一个重要指标,用于衡量公司的总债务与股东权益之间的比例关系。...
The Debt to Equity ratio (also called the “debt-equity ratio”, “risk ratio”, or “gearing”), is aleverage ratiothat calculates the weight of total debt and financial liabilities against totalshareholders’ equity. Unlike the debt-assets ratio which uses total assets as a denominator, the...
debt-to-equity ratio 英 [det tu ˈekwəti ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [det tu ˈekwəti ˈreɪʃioʊ]负债产权比
债务股本比,即Debt-To-Equity Ratio (D/E),在财务分析中被广泛应用,用以衡量公司的财务杠杆水平。它代表负债与股东权益的比例,显示出公司对借贷资金的依赖程度及其偿债能力。较高的债务股本比意味着公司大量依赖借款投资,而较低的比值则表明公司更多依赖自有资本。不过,负债是否越低就越好,答案并非...
A debt-to-equity ratio that is low would signify that the business is financially stable. That is because it shows the total shareholder equity has a high stake in the assets than the creditors. Unlike equity financing, debt has to be given back to the one who lent it in the first plac...
债务权益比率(Debt-to-equity ratio)是反映公司债务占公司总股本的百分比。基于资本=债务+股本,即若债务权益为1,即代表企业的债务和股本相同,也即债务比率为50%。 目录 1债务权益比率的计算公式 债务权益比率的计算公式 债务权益比率=总负债÷总股东权益 对债权人而言,该比率越高表示企业的长期偿债能力越低...
As the debt to equity ratio continues to drop below 1, so if we do a number line here and this is one, if it's on this side, if the debt to equity ratio is lower than 1, then that meansits assets are more funded by equity. If it's greater than one, its assets are more fun...
Each industry has different debt to equity ratio benchmarks, as some industries tend to use more debt financing than others. A debt ratio of .5 means that there are half as many liabilities than there is equity. In other words, the assets of the company are funded 2-to-1 by investors...
1. 债务股本比(Debt-To-Equity Ratio , D/E)又可以称为债务权益比、淨值、负债对净值比率,这是用来衡量公司财务杠杆的指标,能看出公司对借贷资金的依赖、履行这些债务的能力。 2. 债务股本比数字越高,代表借贷比率越高,当公司资金来源较依赖负债,相对自有资金会比较少。