Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic Economy Total debt of China in relation to GDP 2000-2023 Economy Debt of China in relation to GDP 2006-2023, by debtor Economy Total nonfinancial corporation debt in major economies 2006-2022...
The size of China's external debt is expected to stay stable after reporting a recovery in the first quarter of the year, the country's top foreign exchange regulator said on Friday. The country's total outstanding external debt, denominated in both domestic and foreign currencies, ...
There is certainly some upside potential for the macro leverage ratio in 2023, but the growth rate should be slower than last year, Pang Ming, chief economist of Jones Lang LaSalle Greater China, said to Yicai Global. Editors: Tang Shihua, Emmi Laine, Xiao Yi ...
China’s surging debt burden presents a worrisome prospect of these measures not resulting in a recovery for this problematic industry in the near future, but instead triggering further crises, given China’s excessive reliance on debt in recent ye...
BEIJING, April 10 (Xinhua) -- China is not the source of African countries' "debt trap," but a partner to help them and other developing countries to escape the "poverty trap," a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry said Monday. ...
We fill this gap in the literature with a large sample study using a novel data set on China's subnational debt. The advantage of our data set is that the borrowers know their lenders’ identities. Until recently, and in contrast to the active bond markets in the US, local governments in...
Yuan Sha 中国国际问题研究院 2023-06-16 12:25 北京 The White House and House Republicans clinched a deal to raise the debt ceiling of the United States in a last-minute scramble to avert a default crisis. What is worth n...
That $47.5tn total debt pile has grown further in 2023, which might mean that China has now finally overtaken the US in debt-to-GDP terms (zoomable version of the table below): However, the surge in Chinese debt is not itself the problem but rather a symptom of the problem. The real...
China's local government debt has two-level risk prevention mechanisms, with local governments filing applications for approval and the central government controlling the total quota, which jointly work to ensure the safety of China's local government debt, Dong Dengxin, director of the Finance and...
Chip Roy, as the House Rules Committee discuss the debt limit bill, The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, for a vote on the floor at the Capitol in Washington, DC, on Tuesday. Jacquelyn Martin/AP The House Rules Committee voted 7-6 to advance the debt ceiling bill to the floor. ...