Not to mention the money you save. When you pay a bill late or forget to pay it at all, you might be charged all kinds of fees. Late or non-payments for some bills will negatively impact your credit score as well. And some vendors will give you a discount for setting up auto debit...
The article focuses on the legislation proposed in Illinois to sharply limit aggressive tactics in collecting unpaid bills from patients. The Illinois Hospital Association boasted that all the objectionable and unworkable provisions had been eliminated from a bill proposed by Attorney General Lisa Madigan...
The notable differences between current policy that underlies the projections and current law are: 1) projected spending, receipts, and borrowing levels assume raising or suspending the current statutory limit on federal debt; 2) continued discretionary appropriations are assumed throughout the projection...
On the center of such a debate is whether the US government should continue to roll over the debt beyond the legislative debt limit to avoid a “fiscal cliff” or to follow the current law and let the tax cuts enacted in 2001 to expire as scheduled. See for example Cochrane (2012), Ba...
Because the selection criteria for the independent subset limit the sample to firms that only have one debt sale during any given five-year window, no firm is included more than once in portfolio t. The portfolio abnormal return for calendar month t is the average individual sample firm ...
provide investors with attractive risk-adjusted returns through long-biased, opportunistic stressed, distressed and special situation credit-related investments while seeking to limit downside risk by, amongst other things, focusing on senior and senior secured debt with both collateral and structural ...
Impose a debt limit on non-concessional financing; Undertake major structural reforms in the Public Sector by reviewing the operations of 36 State-owned Enterprises, 8 Special Purpose Vehicles, 90 Joint Venture Companies, 38 Regulatory institutions, 68 Statutory Bodies and 6 ...
Mitigating the Collection Action Problem of Debt Enforcement through Bankruptcy Law: Bill C-22 and Its Shadowthe existence of a going-concern surplus, there is a set of mutually beneficial restructuring plansthat 6 In any event, the hold out problem delays agreement, particularly if there are ...
Bill Clinton with Republican House and Senate 1/4/95–1/19/01 –1.5 George W. Bush with Republican House and Senate 1/19/01–6/6/01, 11/12/02–1/4/07 0.7 George W. Bush with Republican House and Democratic Senate 6/6/01–11/12/02 2.2 George W. Bush with Democratic Hou...