网络释义 1. 债务水平 股票暴跌的八大迹象... ... 内线交易( Insider Trading)债务水平(Debt Level) 利息覆盖率( Interest Coverage Ratio) ...|基于3个网页 2. 负债水平 尽管英国的负债水平(debt level)已大幅改善而债务收入比(debt to income ratio)也从2008年173%高峰在2011年下跌到151%,...
网络释义 1. 债务水平 股票暴跌的八大迹象... ... 内线交易( Insider Trading)债务水平(Debt Level) 利息覆盖率( Interest Coverage Ratio) ...|基于3个网页 2. 负债水平 尽管英国的负债水平(debt level)已大幅改善而债务收入比(debt to income ratio)也从2008年173%高峰在2011年下跌到151%,...
例句与“ debt level " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 Given the most recent projections and debt level, the MTO reflects the objectives of the Pact oj4 These debt levels cause a number of problems. eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 Given the most recent projections and debt level, the MTO...
The level of debt crested at a massive $290 billion in 1992. 1992年的巨额债务高达2 900亿元。His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt. 他的商业帝国由于债台高筑而瓦解。He talked about the importance of reducing the national debt. 他谈了减少国债的重要性。The government has...
Thenational debt level of the United Statesis what the federal government owes its creditors. Debt rises when the U.S. spends more than it earns from taxes and other revenue. The U.S. government issues government bonds to finance deficits. ...
that debt sustainability analyses should include an assessment ofthelevel of debtthata Government can carry without undermining its capacity to fulfil its human [...] 但他 认为债务可持续性分析应包括分析政府在不使其履行人权义务方面受到损害的 情况下可以承担...
Laos to reduce debt level in next 5 years VIENTIANE, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) -- Public debt that has been accumulating for years to the present high level will be considerably lowered in five years, Lao Prime Minister (PM) Thongloun Sisoulith has said at a recent meeting....
are American. No matter how obscene the US debt level gets these agencies continue to rate US government bonds as "prime grade". These rating agencies could be easily coerced if they step out of line and downgrade the very same government that regulates them. This biased grading misleads cent...
Italy's debt levels last year reached the equivalent of nearly 133-percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). That is the second highest level in the 28-nation European Union only after Greece and well above the 60-percent limit for members of the euro zone. ...
Based on a debt sustainability framework, they also estimated that primary balance - net lending excluding interest - of developed markets would need to improve 3.8%-points on average from its current level of ‑3.4% of GDP just to keep debt from rising. Debt stability in the United States...