Debt-for-equity swap“债权转股权”,简称“债转股”,指国家组建金融资产管理公司,收购银行的不良资产,把原来银行与企业间的债权债务关系,转变为金融资产管理公司与企业间的控股(或持股)与被控股的关系,债权转为股权后,原来的还本付息就转变为按股分红。 这里的swap是give (something) in exchange for 的意思,即...
Definition of Debt Equity Swap A debt-equity swap is a type of financial restructuring arrangement between the business’s lenders and the business’s owners through which the debt components convert into the business’s equity. In other words, the debt providers become owners of the business. I...
Define debt. debt synonyms, debt pronunciation, debt translation, English dictionary definition of debt. n. 1. Something owed, such as money, goods, or services: used the proceeds to pay off her debts; a debt of gratitude. 2. An obligation or liability t
Debt-for-equity swap“债权转股权”,简称“债转股”,指国家组建金融资产管理公司,收购银行的不良资产,把原来银行与企业间的债权债务关系,转变为金融资产管理公司与企业间的控股(或持股)与被控股的关系,债权转为股权后,原来的还本付息就转变为按股分红。这里的swap是give (something) in exchange for 的意思...
在上面的报道中,debt-for-equity swap是经济术语“债权转股权”的英文表达,Debt is exchanged for a predetermined amount of equity (or stock) , the value of the swap is determined usually at current market rates.(债务被转换为一定量的股权,其交换价值通常由当前市场利率决定)。
A debt/equity swap is a financial restructuring strategy where a company exchanges outstanding debt for equity in the business. This can help a company reduce its debt burden and interest costs while giving creditors an ownership stake in lieu of cash re
debt for equity swap债务转移股权交易 指在开发中国家的政府向外国银行借款时,因缺乏外汇无法偿还,而被其贷款银行将此债权以一折扣价,转让给有意到该国投资的海外机构来换回外汇,而买入债权的机构通常会要求借款政府以当地的货币 equity swap权益交换 指一契约交易双方中,一方给付固定利率,并向另一方收取某一股价指...
Define Debt finance. Debt finance synonyms, Debt finance pronunciation, Debt finance translation, English dictionary definition of Debt finance. n. 1. Something owed, such as money, goods, or services: used the proceeds to pay off her debts; a debt of gr
Debt swap A set of transactions (also called adebt-equity swap) in which a firm buys a country's dollar bank debtat a discount and swaps thisdebtwith the central bank for local currency that it can use to acquire local equity.
A debt/equity swap works essentially in the opposite manner: debt is exchanged for a pre-determined amount of stock. After the swap takes place, part or all of the one asset class will be phased out and everyone who participated in the swap will now participate in the new or growing asse...