trends of the global IPO market in 2012, we can see that worldwide IPO market is making a rapid recovery after 2007's financial crisis. However, not expecting another unforeseeable crisis in 2013, global IPO markets are expected to be even more dynamic than in 2010-2012.Publisher...
Crisis not to affectPakistan´s banking system Dubai crisis not affectingThaiagricultural exports Singaporeclosely monitors dev´ts of Dubai World Indonesia´s urges not to over-react to Dubai crisis S Koreasees "limited" impact of Dubai debt crisis ...
The month of February is always dim and grim in the United States, and so it is this year. In the House of Representatives, the new Republican majority is pretending to be alarmed about all the government spending Congress voted for under Trump. Even if there is no real debt crisis, they...
The critical condition of Pakistan's finances may take a turn for the worse within the next four years. The country will soon have to pay..
Steele, Paul, and Sejal Patel. “Tackling the Triple Crisis. Using Debt Swaps to Address Debt, Climate and Nature Loss Post-COVID-19,” September 2020. “The Belt a...
Since 2010,therehasseenafast growth inglobaldebtsmainly because many countriesresortedtosuper-sized stimulusmeasuresto cope with thefallout of thecrisis. For instance, the quantitative easing by the United States and EU caused a huge injection of capital into the international financial market, andalar...
The ongoing reliance on the Fund’s loans has drawn criticism for exacerbating Pakistan’s debt crisis. Critics argue that the IMF’s conditions, focused on fiscal austerity and regressive taxation, have deepened poverty and inequality in the country. Despite temporary economic stabilisation, these me...
"China has remained great support for Pakistan and always came to its rescue during the tough economic crisis. Though CPEC, China is building infrastructure in Pakistan to save its economy and to build its infrastructure, some of the money coming in the country is purely an investment, some ...
By contrast, when advanced economies had their central banks “print money” in the global financial crisis, it was to compensate for too much savings being hoarded by households and corporates which was threatening deflation. 7. Population and Development: The Demographic Transitionby Tim Dyson. ...
"China has remained great support for Pakistan and always came to its rescue during the tough economic crisis. Though CPEC, China is building infrastructure in Pakistan to save its economy and to build its infrastructure, some of the money coming in the country is purely an investment, some ...