If you're looking to consolidate credit cards, loans or medical bills PNC has some great options for you. You may be able to take control of your spending by paying down debt faster or lowering your monthly payments.
Use the debt consolidation loan calculator to see if you can pay off debt faster and with a lower interest rate with U.S. Bank.
Choose your amount and term with help from the calculator above Apply for a debt consolidation loan at a lower interest rate At least 70% of the funds must go directly to creditors, many of which we can pay directly. Choose which creditors you want to pay, and the rest can go to your...
Bankrate's debt consolidation calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you.
At CalcXML we developed a user friendly debt consolidation calculator. Use it to see the money you can save by consolidating your debts.
Use our debt consolidation loan calculator to determine if a home equity loan can help you consolidate high-interest debts into a single monthly payment.
Estimate what you owe today on your loans, credit cards and lines of credit with the TD Debt Consolidation Calculator. Then, find out when you could be debt free.
Consolidate debt and see what your monthly payment would be with the Wells Fargo debt consolidation calculator.
Use a debt consolidation loan calculator to estimate how much your monthly payment would be if you merged your outstanding debts into a single loan.
Debt consolidation loan calculator How much do you want to borrow? £ £3,000 £35,000 I'd like my monthly payment to be £ £30 £3,000 Calculator results This is an illustrative example. The rate you're offered depends on the loan term and amount chosen, as well...