Beware of debt collection scams! Getting a call or an e-mail claiming you have defaulted on a loan? It might be a scam. How often have you received a call or an e-mail demanding debt repayment within 48 hours, talking about suing you on your defaulted loan and asking for your banking...
At the moment, scam text messages are being sent out urging you to call a number that isn't ours, or to provide information on a website that doesn't belong to us. Do not engage with either of them! The scammers will inform you about unpaid cases and you are advised to make a co...
Understanding your rights and recognizing the telltale signs of a fake debt collection scam can protect you and your family from predators. But mistakes can still happen. Aura’s automated threat detection system and insurance coverage can give you peace of mind and adequate protection in a securi...
Home / Media / Press Releases / Standard Chartered Bank : Beware of Debt Collection Scam Standard Chartered Bank : Beware of Debt Collection Scam on February 18, 2022 DownloadSite footerFooter navigation - Column 1 Home About Contact Services Important Information Media Sustainability Footer ...
We send demand letters, make calls, knock doors, visit sites, seize assets, freeze bank accounts, apply court orders, report frauds & blacklist scammers, until you are fully refunded or compensated. NO REFUND, NO COST. Compare with other debt collection firms, as licensed lawyers we have ...
Three Ontario firms have notified us that they received an email from the purported Khim Sokheng of SOMA Construction looking to retain them with regards to a commercial debt collection. This appears to be a bad cheque scam that presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. In...
Related to debt collectors:Debt collection agency Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook ...
Collection Agency/Dave You should not discard any correspondence from ARS National Services assuming it is a scam or fraudulent attempt to extort your money. ARS National Services is a reputable debt collection agency. They may be calling from 833-734-2955 or contacting you via mail through PO ...
Yes, collectors can use email or text if you’ve provided your contact information. However, they must follow the same rules as phone or mail contact. How can I prevent my debt from being sold to a collection agency? Paying your debt on time or working out a payment plan with the origi...
In addition, if a company reaches out to you out of the blue, by phone, mail, or email, it's highly likely it could be a scam.2Legitimate debt consolidation and debt settlement companies typically do not engage in unsolicited offers or cold calling. Instead, they follow up only after ...