of the Archer C7 v2 can be accidentally triggered multiple times in one second. This will cause WiFi to be unexpectedly shut down and trigger 'irq 23: nobody cared'[1] warning. Increasing the key debounce interval to 1000 ms can fix this issue. This patch also add the missing rfkill key...
A method for actively controlling a key debounce interval is provided to allow a user to suitably cope with various types of button sounds by setting a key debounce interval according to continuation of a button sound. A duration of an operation to be performed according to a key input in ...
1、定义变量timer,利用定时器setinterval来定时执行(60s执行一次);1、针对输入框的keyup事件,利用lodash的debounce方法过滤掉密集输入。当然keyup事件触发的时候,设置timer=60——手动获取后60s才自动获取 代码如下: <template> 1111 2222 3333 </template> import _ from 'lodash' export default { data(...
1、定义变量timer,利用定时器setinterval来定时执行(60s执行一次);1、针对输入框的keyup事件,利用lodash的debounce方法过滤掉密集输入。当然keyup事件触发的时候,设置timer=60——手动获取后60s才自动获取 代码如下: <template> 1111 2222 3333 </template> import _ from 'lodash' export default { data(...