僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of debonair 廣告 debonair附近的字典條目 debilitate debilitation debilitative debility debit debonair Deborah deboshed debridement debrief debris 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能關於誰做的介紹和...
First Known Use 13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2 Time Traveler The first known use of debonair was in the 13th century See more words from the same century Podcast Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! Sign Up Dictionary...
The meaning of DEBONAIR is suave, urbane. How to use debonair in a sentence. Did you know?
debonair meaning, definition, what is debonair: a man who is debonair is fashionable and...: Learn more.
Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click on highlighted lyrics to explain. (Dulli) Hear me now and don't forget I'm not the man my actions would suggest A little boy, I'm tied to you I fell apart That's what I always do Th...
So debonair. 那麼 和藹 可親 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Gents, it is not often that a Debonair assessor is impressed... but this one just learnt the meaning of the word " humility. " 紳士們 我們 Debonair的評 估員 對你們的 合作 印象 很深 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Debonair Security Assessments...
"Why does that phrase have special meaning for you?" Braver asked. "He used that phrase whenever he was pleased -"Good stuff!"" she replied. And a lot of that good stuff revolved around Jennifer. He kept a huge archive for her ... ...
The main bpmn module is an instance of ProcessManager without options meaning you can use manager functions directly from it. var bpmn = require('bpmn'); bpmn.addBpmnFilePath("path/to/myProcess.bpmn"); bpmn.createProcess("myId", function(err, myProcess){ // we start the process myProces...
S. Peirce understood this and addsthat existenceis replete with evidence ofmeaning that isdiscernablein nature'ssigns.He believed that bystudying nature's signswe gain insight into thenature ofexistence. Peirce thought thatnature isconstantly impressing humans with signs that we interpret to form...
DEBONAIR meaning: dressing and acting in an appealing and sophisticated way fashionable, attractive, and confident