Windows11Debloater gets the job done, but if we're honest, it was a bit more of a hassle than we prefer. If you're reading this and you're not comfortable with PowerShell and script, run away! Most users should wait for someone to develop a GUI to debloat Windows 11, which should...
⚡ The most powerful open source tweaker on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11 windows gui optimization windows-10 sophia tweaker tweaking insiders debloat debloating debloater insider windows-debloat windows11 sophiapp 22h2 23h2 Updated Sep 30, 2024 C# underground...
Windows10的 脚本/实用程序/应用程序使Windows 10失水 如何运行Windows10Debloater.ps1和Windows10DebloaterGUI.ps1文件 有多种运行PowerShell脚本的方法。 方法如下: 第一种方法: 在github主页上下载.zip文件,然后将.zip文件解压缩到所需的位置 提取后,以管理员身份打开PowerShell(或PowerShell ISE) 启用PowerShell执...
Windows10Debloater.zipBe**in 上传44.07 KB 文件格式 zip appxpackages bloatware bloatware-removal button debloat debloater gui interactive powershell prompt ps1 scheduled-tasks silent sysprep windows-10 windows10 Windows10DebloaterScript是一个用于去除Windows 10系统中多余预装软件(bloatware)的脚本工具。该工具...
Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware. Contribute to Sycnex/Windows10Debloater development by creating an account on GitHub.
The complete changelog of Universal Android Debloater GUI 0.4 (and 0.4.1) can be foundhere. Since it is an open-source project, you can follow its development and contribute to the bloatware databaseon GitHub. Give it a go and let us know how well it works on your Android device. ...
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() #region begin GUI $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $Form.ClientSize = '800,500' $Form.Text = "Windows10Debloater" $Form.TopMost = $false $Debloat = New-Object System.Wi...
解压好刚刚下载的两个软件,把 Universal Android Debloater 放到和 ADB 工具相同的目录,Windows 顺便还可以装个手机驱动,免得没有驱动连不上 ADB。 把手机连上电脑,开始禁用现在你不想要的任何系统应用组件。 系统应用禁用卸载建议 软件的主界面 软件界面还挺简洁直观的,需要我们注意的就是右上角的三个部分,这三个...
Windows 11 Debloater 简体中文设置教程 功能特色 支持自定义Windows 11 环境; 支持卸载删除Window 功能; 支持改改遥测和隐私设置; 支持更改右键菜单; 支持个性化并增强用户体验; 支持禁用后台应用; 支持禁用或启用Window 默认应用; 更新内容 freetimetech.com/windows-11-debloater-tool-debloat-gui/ ...