Debit就是东西是你的.你所有.Credit 就是你欠别人的!Assests-Liabilities=OE(Capital)意思就是说..你持有的钱---你欠人的钱=你的财产!然后Assests分2种Current and non-current current 比较常见的是cash account re...反馈 收藏
左边是Debit side 右边Credit side。。。
Credit 就是你欠别人的! Assests-Liabilities=OE(Capital) 意思就是说..你持有的钱---你欠人的钱=你的财产! 然后Assests分2种Current and non-current current 比较常见的是cash account reciveable Non-current 类似桌子啊..椅子啊.房屋啊..这些! 一般区别就是看时间! Accounting period 一半按照1年算! Lia...
1、Debit:表示资产的增加和负债及所有者权益的减少,负债及所有者权益的减少记在其有关账户的借方。2、credit:credit用作名词的基本意思是指先买东西后付账,即“赊购,赊欠”,还可表示以这种方法来购物的制度,即“赊购制度〔方式〕”。三、侧重点不同 1、Debit:就是东西是你的,你所有.。2、...
Debit vs Credit Wrap-Up If this is your first time dealing withsmall business accounting, then keeping track of the difference between debits and credits—and which one you use to increase or decrease an account balance—might seem confusing. ...
一般来讲当我们说credit和debit的时候 credit是增加 debit是减少 当然也要看是什么ledger 工作后已经记得...
Debit vs. credit accounting examplesHere’s an example of debit vs. credit accounting on a balance sheet.Imagine a camping-gear retailer buys $100,000 of tents and sleeping bags from manufacturers on credit, payable in 60 days. Here is how a debit and credit entry might look in double-...
Debit vs. credit accounting examplesHere’s an example of debit vs. credit accounting on a balance sheet.Imagine a camping-gear retailer buys $100,000 of tents and sleeping bags from manufacturers on credit, payable in 60 days. Here is how a debit and credit entry might look in double-...