SAP中的贷项凭证、借项凭证( credit memo && debit memo) Credit Memo 贷项凭证,Debit Memo 借项凭证,一般是用来处理回扣、回款等问题。 总的说来,Credit memo和Debit memo是对企业向顾客已经交付的货物的价值进行调整的单据类型。举个例,如果您已经就所交付的货物向买主开具了100元的发票,可是由于货物质量的瑕...
There are several points to note about creating debit memos and credit memos in Thailand. Features Local version Thailand comes with a SAPscript form for debit memos and credit memos which, in accordance with legal requirements, shows: The words "Debit Memo" or "Credit Memo" in a prominent...
Credit memo: 便是『廠商』 通知 『我們』 要給予貨品的折扣時,會開立credit memo 給我們,接著我們便要在oracle AP的應付帳款系統中輸入此張credit memo,而此種型式的 invoice便稱為credit memo invoice。 Debit memo: 便是『我方』要求『廠商』給與貨品的折讓時(如退貨),我們便要開立debit memo invoice,並且...
二、SAP 1、AR Credit Memo and Debit Memo Definition Credit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This reduces(减少) receivables in Financial Accounting. Debit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This increases(增加) receivables in...
Solved: Dear Expert, I always confused on Debit memo and Credit memo...especially the business scenario behind and how it is reflecting in SAP system. Let's take this
二、SAP 1、AR Credit Memo and Debit Memo Definition Credit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This reduces(减少) receivables in Financial Accounting. Debit memo: A sales document created on the basis of a customer complaint. This increases(增加) receivables in...
in SAP notes, both debit memo and credit memo exists but the notes are same for both. In other words you could use credit memo for both debits and credits. In AP it creates a debit to the vendor and in AR it creates a credit to the customer. point please. thanks You must be a ...
I am more interested in the latter situation. Let me Check.. > 2) If Client is returning goods to vendor and it is ERS and GR-based IV, then on reversal of Goods Receipt , will ERS generate a credit memo/debit memo? What will happen if the vendor sends the invoice? Should the ...
creditmemo和debitmemo是对企业向顾客已经交付的货物的价值进行调整的单据类 型。举个例,如果您已经就所交付的货物向买主开具了100元的发票,可是由于货物质量的瑕疵,买主主张“货接受但必须削价10元”,如果您接受了这个主张,那您就得开具10元的creditmemo(即实际业务中的所谓“红字发票”)。总之,与原始invoice的价...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hello Experts, Can you please tell me what is "Credit Memo and Debit Memo" in sap as i am little confused about this concept. Regards. Answers(2) iklovski Active Contributor Former Member 2010 Jun 15 ...