credit card,smart card,charge card 是信用卡,智能卡,收费卡debit card是借记卡 信用卡 你如果拥有一张信用卡,便可使用预先批准的信用额度进行消费。信用卡发卡机构可以是银行、零售商或其它信贷机构。一些发卡机构收取年费以补贴服务成本,有一些则免年费。目前,国内信用卡发卡机构基本上是各...
可以说,借记卡只是消费者支付现金或支票的另一种更方便的形式,借记卡也因此被称为支票卡(Check Card)。
Prepaid Card中文係預付卡,顧名思義,就係首先要入咗錢落Prepaid Card賬戶到,先可以用Prepaid Card去使錢,可以話係一張行Visa/Mastercard網絡嘅八達通。由於Prepaid Card賬戶同銀行賬戶係分開,所以理論上係比Debit Card更加安全,但前提係每次簽賬前都要預先入定錢。市面上部份Prepaid Card亦會有提供類似八達通自動增值...
[听力原文]W: What is a smart card M: A smart card is a secure, portable, tamper-resistant data-storage device. It has the exact size of a credit card and contains a computer with as much power as the original minicomputer.Q: What arc they talking about 女士问智能卡是什么,男士回答智...
The card (1) has a memory (2) and processor chip (3) on one end. When a transaction is to be registered, approximately one third of the card, i.e. up to the dotted line (9), is inserted into a reader machine. The user confirms the transaction by entering a PIN number which is...
The card (1) has a memory (2) and processor chip (3) on one end. When a transaction is to be registered, approximately one third of the card, i.e. up to the dotted line (9), is inserted into a reader machine. The user confirms the transaction by entering a PIN number which is...
Debit cards differ from stored-value cards (also known as smart cards), which simply subtract the transaction amount from cash value stored on the card.Read More Visa Inc. What is a credit balance transfer? How it works and 3 benefits Credit card reward strategies: Getting more from each ...
专利名称:Credit card, smart card and bank issued debit card operated system and method for processing electronic transactions 发明人:Brock Kolls 申请号:US08/775440 申请日:19961230 公开号:US06119934A 公开日:20000919 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 摘要:A vending control system and method for ...
aCredit card, debit card, or atm is just to verify your age hun, your card will NOT be charged just validated see where it says that? like i said it's FREE... cant show tits and pussy to know? 信用卡,转账卡或者atm正义的核实您的年龄匈奴,您的卡片是否是不会被充电得就...
In short, a debit card allows instant access to your money. “It has the convenience of a credit card, but it doesn’t charge you interest,” says Kevin Smith, director of a financial services company. “It doesn’t allow you to overspend what you have.” ...