基本的策略就是在较低的价格位置sell 一个 call option ,然后在价格较高的位置 buy 一个call option. 同样我们用一个例子来解释。 假定某只股票目前股价为50刀美金/share,那么你预料在一段时间内,股价不会超过55美金,那么你可以通过构建以下策略进行建仓,首先你在55刀的位置sell 一个 call option, 然后在 60...
总体上来说,我觉得我们讲解的call debit spread, call credit spread, put debit spread 还有 put credit spread策略,我觉得在市场上比较有效的是put credit spread 和 call credit spread . 总体上来说,call credit spread 用来看跌我们手中的标的资产,从而赚取sell call option的手续费,但是同时未来防止黑天鹅事件...
然后debit spread 叫做借方价差,这个spread有cash payment,即有现金流的支出;credit spread 叫做贷方价差,这个spread有cash inflow,即现金流的流入。 Bull spread 下的 bull call构成是long行权价低的call,short 行权价高的call,我们知道对于call option,行权价越低则越贵,所以就是说这个bull call策略我们是买了一...
A call debit spread involves buying one call option and selling another with a higher strike price. Both options have the same expiration date and underlying stock or ETF. This strategy is also known as a bull call spread. Typically, the amount you pay to buy the lower strike call is grea...
Example of a Debit Spread For example, assume that a trader buys acall optionfor $2.65. At the same time, the trader sells another call option on the same underlying security with a higher strike price of $2.50. This is called abull call spread. The debit is $0.15, which results in ...
Bear Call Spread (Credit Spread) A trader opts for this if they plan to benefit from a downward trend. In this, a trader buys and sells a call option with the same expiry. But, the strike price of the option that a trader buys is more. The trader will make more profit if the pric...
Vertical spreads are among the first strategies many option traders learn because they're relatively straightforward and typically have defined risk and return possibilities. There are two types of vertical spreads: credit spreads1and debit spreads2. But many traders struggle to choose one over the ...
Debit cards can be a convenient way to pay online and in person — as well as giving the option to withdraw cash whenever you need it from an ATM. If you’re considering getting a debit card linked to your checking account, you may be wondering: how do debit cards work?
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Preferred payment option– Direct Debit through GoCardless is now our preferred way to take payments - it’s simple, easy to use and benefits both of us. Set and forget– You set up payment once, and after that, it’s taken automatically on the invoice due date. No need to set diary...