1、Debian默认禁止root账户直接通过SSH连接,所以用安装系统时创建的第一个普通用户账号进行登录。 2、登陆后,必须使用以下命令切换到root账户运行脚本。 3、对于Ubuntu系统,不需先切换root账号,直接运行脚本命令即可。 su - 3、运行脚本 运行脚本前,建议先阅读脚本介绍,了解脚本能做什么先,脚本中的选项可以按需执行...
While having a well-configured firewall will prevent many kinds of illegitimate access, you still need to open up certain services to allow yourself the ability to log in and administer the server. SSH is the service most commonly used to log into remote systems, and so it also is one of...
Here you optionally may enter a secure passphrase, which is highly recommended. A passphrase adds an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized users from logging in. To learn more about security, consult our tutorial on How To Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication on a Linux Server....
11. Set Up Fail2Ban (Optional) Install and configure monitoring like Fail2ban to prevent your servers from SSH Brute-force attacks. sudo apt install -y fail2ban sudo systemctl enable fail2ban sudo systemctl start fail2ban This is just enough for basic monitoring. For more detailed configura...
Most servers such as SSH or Apache won't start, because they all need root features. You can use tightvncserver instead of SSH, and wbox instead of Apache as a simple file sharing web server, How does that work. The Debian graphical shell is launched using PRoot, the ultimate Linux vir...
Hi. Thank you for the awesome tutorial. It helped beautifully. The only part that didn’t work for me was Step Five and turning off root ssh access. PermitRootLogin nonotyesvalue) and restartedsshbut that didn’t prevent root ssh access....
Debian 9 升级到 Debian 10Debian 10 升级到 Debian 11Debian 11 升级到 Debian 12 更新过程种会提示一些软件是否需要自动重启,选 Yes 即可,以及一些软件的配置文件是否需要更新,按照自己的情况选择即可,默认回车即视为使用旧的配置文件,一般会出现在 OpenSSH 等软件的更新上。具体请参考上文手动安装。
echo ' - dropbear [port] (SSH server)' echo ' - iptables [port] (setup basic firewall with HTTP(S) open)' echo ' - mysql (install MySQL and set root password)' echo ' - nginx (install nginx and create sample PHP vhosts)' ...
更新过程种会提示一些软件是否需要自动重启,选 Yes 即可,以及一些软件的配置文件是否需要更新,按照自己的情况选择即可,默认回车即视为使用旧的配置文件,一般会出现在 OpenSSH 等软件的更新上。具体请参考上文手动安装。 最后 祝大家玩的开心。 感谢一下文章: ...
Install and configure monitoring like Fail2ban to prevent your servers from SSH Brute-force attacks. sudo apt install -y fail2ban sudo systemctl enable fail2ban sudo systemctl start fail2ban This is just enough for basic monitoring. For more detailed configuration, check our Fail2ban guide: ...