安装完成后,你可以通过pip3命令来使用pip,因为Debian系统中pip通常与Python版本关联,如pip3对应Python3。 如果已安装,检查pip命令是否在用户的PATH环境变量中: 如果pip已经安装,但使用pip命令时仍然提示“command not found”,可能是因为pip的安装路径没有添加到你的PATH环境变量中。你可以通过which pip3(或which pi...
Debian – 出现-bash: pip: command not found错误解决办法祥磊部落 2015-01-18 02:12:46 原文链接:http://www.bxl.me/8544.html 赞 转发 回应 转发 赞 收藏 > 我来回应祥磊部落 (江苏徐州) 热门话题 ··· ( 去话题广场 ) 我能把生活过得很好 955篇内容 · 141.1万次浏览 当用DeepSeek时我问...
command: /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/tmpddkfb8u5_in_process.py get_requires_for_build_wheel /tmp/tmpu1r8grox cwd: /tmp/pip-install-tum9nqc8/mysqlclient_b0744843797d48b5842e6b1fca1f8603 Complete output (24 lines): /bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found /bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found ...
1,安装pip3 sudo apt install python3-pip 验证安装是否成功 pip3 --version guoyz@debian:~/pip-9.0.1$ pip3--version pip18.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python3.7) 1. 2. 然后安装构建python 模块所需的开发工具, sudoapt install build-essential python3-dev python3-setuptools 1....
./start: 103: pip: not found 2020-05-27 14:15:40.871 [launcher][INFO] import build-in openssl fail:ModuleNotFoundError("No module named '_cffi_backend'") 2020-05-27 14:15:40.887 [launcher][ERROR] import system python-OpenSSL fail:ModuleN...
写在前面 ①在debian 8上升级了Python 3.8.5 ② 升级了openssl 1.1.1 问题描述 在运行pip命令时提示如下错误 pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module
在python3上:安装setuptools报错,提示:ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'distutils.core',解决方案是sudo apt-get installpython3-pip,但是使用python3安装的时候apt-get报错Unmet dependencies问题,解决方案是sudo apt-get -f install修复一下,sudo apt --fix-broken install ,sudo apt-get update,sudo apt-ge...
12、pip: command not found vim ~/.bashrc export PATH="/usr/local/python27/bin:$PATH" source ~/.bashrc sudo pip: command not found 1.编辑/etc/sudoers文件把Defaults env_reset改成Defaults !env_reset 2.编辑.bashrc,最后添加alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH' ...
59.32 Found existing installation: numpy 1.26.4 59.32 ERROR: Cannot uninstall numpy 1.26.4, RECORD file not found. Hint: The package was installed by debian. --- Dockerfile:28 --- 26 |# RUN pip install --ignore-installed numpy27 |# RUN pip install --ignore-installed PyYAML==5.228 |...